Monday, October 10, 2022

Overwatch 2 ~ 100% Guide

Quick Overview

The successor to Overwatch. It has gone free to play. Cosmetics can be purchase similar to fortnite. There is also a battle pass. 3 new heroes have been added so far, Kiriko, Sojourn and Junker Queen. Some heroes are locked and unlocked through in game challenges, Kiriko is level 55 on the free pass. Trophies can only be earned in unranked and ranked modes.

Boosting is possible with 10 players making this 2/10 due to glitched trophies. Turn crossplay off and you can mix PS4 and PS5 players.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Complete all of the base game trophies. Currently unobtainable due to certain maps having been removed from the game.

Currently glitched and may require multiple matches to pop.

Play your best hero and do your best. Will come with time. Reportedly glitched, requires more then 100 wins?

Trophy description speaks for itself. Do challenges for more exp.

Trophy description speaks for itself. Do challenges for more exp.

Trophy description speaks for itself. Do challenges for more exp.

Pretty simple, Can be boosted if necessary.

Easy with Sombra. Hack a med kit and place your teleporter on it. Get damaged in a fight then return and get instantly healed.

You have daily, weekly, seasonal, competitive, lifetime and hero challenges.

Be sure to give out endorsements at the end of the match. Random sometimes will. You cannot endorse friends.

So far this is the only Trophy to autopop through account merge. You can get this through the free pass but it will take a long time.

Reapers ult is powerful but it's tricky to get 4 together. Try pairing with a Zarya ult.

His ult is fairly powerful but it's best used against dps or support. May want to pair with a Zarya ult.

This can seem tricky but try reflecting a Moira orb. 

This can be tricky. Going into Wraith will reload your guns. Recommended to boost in synergy with Rapid Discord.

Not too hard. Boost if needed.

Try to find a high up in an enemy blind spot. Wait until you see the red skull. Tanks take longer.

It can be tricky to manage your fuel so either use your ult or boop 4 enemies.

Can be combined with her other Trophy.

Not too hard, his rockets do a lot of damage.

His ult is basically auto aim.

Be cautious. Don't let your health get too low.

You don't have to do this in a single life and it does not have to kill. It just has to stick to an enemy.

You need 2 kills in each formation without dying.

Bastion been nerfed significantly. His ult is weaker and he no longer has self heal. May want to pair with a Zarya ult.

Heads shots do a lot more damage and you have to be quick.

Fairly easily. Can be paired with Zarya ult as needed.

Somewhat tricky, may be best to boost this. Place your trap near a wall and a mine in front of it to knock the enemy backwards into it.

His ult is really powerful so should be easy, but pair with Zarya ult as needed.

Easy to get if you block an ult such as Dva bomb or Whole Hog.

Had a wide radius but pair with Zarya ult as needed.

His ult does a ton of damage however you don't have much to spread around. Pair with Zarya ult as needed.

Using Overload give a small amount of overheal, this shows as green on your health bar. You must deplete this a couple times.

Weaken an enemy and toss a mine at them, movement will set it off.

This Trophy is difficult, recommended to boost. Jump from a high place and quick scope a headshot.

Whole Hog will get you this easy.

Diva bomb is powerful. Pair with Zarya ult as needed.

Keep blocking until your shield shatters, rinse and repeat.

This seems to be rime sensitive or glitched. May take several tries. Ult, fire strike then charge into a wall.

Doesn't work on certain ults, like Soldier and Winston.

Try to do against Tanks so you don't kill them with the gunfire by accident.

Easily done against Wrecking Ball's ult.

May want to pair with Zarya ult. 

Not too difficult, but having a Mercy Pocket helps.

Pair with other ults to make then easier.

Use your best hero or boost this.

Easiest way to get this is to boop then wall ride. May need to boost this.

Use your ult when see a Dva drop her bomb.

Easy to do, just play Mercy as intended.

Play it safe, don't go for risky revives.

Place 3 turrets on the payload.

Easily done in a normal match.

Difficult legit, recommended to boost in synergy with Waste Not, Want Not

Wait until your team is really low health.

Obtainable through Arcade. Assault is back in rotation.

Obtainable through Arcade. Assault is back in rotation. You must be on the point when it is captured both times.

Work together with your team for this one

Work together with your team for this one

Work together with your team for this one

Keep playing until you get this.


Easily done on a Tank as they are large targets

Try using it ona Dva or Reaper. Might be best to boost this.

Hack a medkit and place your teleporter. You can now hack in stealth. If you are in danger of dying use your teleporter.

Wait until the whole team gas gathered or use Zarya ult. The radius is pretty wide.

Not too hard but use Zarya ult as needed.

Easy enough just get someone near a edge.

Block damage until your arm glows red then go for the rocket punch. May want to boost this.

Has been made significantly easier. However use Zarya ult as needed.

This can any number of allies and enemies. Use Zarya ult as needed.

Not too difficult. Just try to bounce them off walls.

Booping them out of the map counts.

Weaken them first then go for the killing blow.

Similar to Tobiorn you get extra shield but it is dark blue. Will need to be drained multiple times.

May need to be boosted.

May want to do this on a Tank. Sometimes Bob may steal the killing blow.

May need to guesstimate the distance.

Not too difficult but timing is key. May want to boost this.

Put down your immortality field when you see an enemy using an ult. Easily boosted against McCree (Cassidy)

Weaken 3 enemies before attempting this as it is fairly weak 

Aborbing a Whole Hog should give enough shield.

You'll need to use it on 2 weak enemies

Not sure is you need a kill with the ult but you cannot copy the same hero twice

May want to be boosted using Ana or Junker Queen.

Reportedly buggy. The restore health means Kiriko has to heal herself. Headshots may not count.

Charge your railgun to 100 before attempting.

Easy just have good aim.

May be glitchy. May want to boost. On 4-5 Tanks use the axe then her ult, melee as needed.

The axe is fairly strong, try it on a weak enemy like Tracer.

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