Tuesday, November 24, 2020

About the Author of this blog

I am a trophy hunter and gamer. I suffer from manic depression, social anxiety, PTSD and IBS. Often times I feel a lack of motivation to even play games, let alone hunt trophies. Even if it's a game I was hyped for. Gaming and trophy hunting is my way of trying to treat my anxiety and depression. I am also Christian so I try to look for the good in others and help them as much as I can. I try to be a positive influence in the toxic communities I partake in.

My current diagnosis is Bipolar Type II, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, and PTSD. Gaming is my coping mechanism.

Why do I suffer from depression and PTSD?

There are many reasons but the main one is I am a victim of a crime. There was an intruder in my home who assaulted me. I won't go into further detail than that as it brings up painful memories. What matters is, the man who hurt me is locked away for a very long time so he can't hurt anyone else and yes, he is repeat offender.

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