Quick Overview
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege is a actical pvp first-person shooter that consists of 4 playlists, excluding special event plylists. Both Newcomer and Quick match (formally known as casual), now have attack x2 and defense x2 rotations to better reflect ranked. There is also a ranked practice list called Unranked that uses Ranked ruleset.
PS5 is a full auto pop if you have the PS4 plat, but a trophy may glitch on you and will have to do it again.
Difficulty Rating
Online/Offline Trophies
This is an online only game.
The platinum, complete all other trophies to earn this.
Operator Related Trophies
Back in The Day ATKAll base ops cost 1000 renown each. Try starting with Sledge, Thatcher or Thermite. You need to play about 5-10 matches of Quick Match to unlock one base operator, you get about 100 per loss, 200 per win depending on your performance.
All base ops cost 1000 renown each. Rook or Doc are good starting defenders. You need to play about 5-10 matches of Quick Match to unlock one base operator.
The CTU's are the units the operators are in, for example, GIGN has Twitch, Montagne, Rook, and Doc. It will cost 4000 renown to unlock a full unit.
It will cost 20000 renown to unlock all base game operators. You can do weekly and daily challenges through Ubisoft Connect (formerly known as the Ubisoft Club) for a small, renown bonus, but casual and/or buying a booster is the fastest way to earn renown. You can claim free boosters with Ubi points from Ubisoft Connect. There is a free 1 day. A 3 and 7 day which can be bought with ubi credits.
Jack of All TradesThe trophy did not require a win previously, but this may have been fixed with the change. Make a checklist and check off each operator as you win a round with them.
Weapon/Gadget Related and Kill Trophies
Just Getting StartedGetting better at the game will help you get this faster, see Additional Tips below. Team communication and map knowledge can also make a big difference. Use cameras effectively. On attack, you have a drone, try to save the first one from the prep phase if possible. Look on cameras using down on the d pad. Instead of marking someone with Triangle, try to sneak up on their last known location. Use that knowledge to your advantage. Use angles and lean. Headshots are an instant kill.
Brain SurgeonPartially skill-based. You'll get this naturally when going for kills. If you down someone, you use your sidearm to shoot them in the head. Some guns have more recoil than others, use the recoil to your advantage, aim chest high or so depending on the recoil and the recoil should draw up to their head. You can try unlocking Hibana (Year 1 10K Renown) or Maverick (Year 3 10K Renown). Hibana's Type-89 has extremely low recoil with the muzzle break, as does Maverick's M4 with the muzzle break making for much easier headshots if you aim correctly.
That bullet pen...Rather tricky to pull off. 2 good choices are Glaz or Kali on Plane as mentioned in Sureshot and Pulse. Pulse can sense heartbeats through walls at close range, roam with him and if you sense someone on the other side of a soft wall, shoot them through it. You can also melee a wall to make peek holes. If your patient and/or having trouble, you can cough up 15k renown to buy Mira. Kali has an extremely powerful sniper rifle that can penetrate multiple walls and operators but she costs 25K renown.
Note: I have been told that the tracking on this is bugged so just keep trying until it pops.
Meat WallOne of the toughest trophies in the game. There are a few methods for this such as planting the defuser next to a breachable surface and placing your breach then setting it off when they try to disarm it. You may even get it without trying. Thermite's hard breach charge does count for this.
IQ, Thatcher, Thermite, etc. have a claymore, which is an explosive with 3 lasers coming out of it. Place it next to doors or windows, handy for run-outs. It's an instant kill 99% of the time.
Room ClearedSledge, Glaz, IQ, etc. have 2 frag grenades which are not an instant kill most of the time. So you want to shoot at them first to weaken them, then throw it. Iana can be helpful for this as her ability is basically an infinite rechargeable drone. Drone out a defenders location then try to throw a well placed grenade.
Don't go in There!For this, I recommend unlocking Frost if you don't already have her, she costs 10k renown, place a bear trap in a doorway/under a window/by a staircase (basically anywhere you think an attacker might go) then ask a friend or fellow player if can they place their barbed wire on it. This will down the enemy unless they are the last one. Simply shoot them.
Wrong NumberOnly certain defenders have a Nitro Cell, such as Pulse, Bandit, Mute, etc. It's basically an explosive C4 brick, you can stick it to a surface or throw it at an enemy then set it off to kill them. It has a pretty wide explosion radius so this shouldn't be too difficult. Using Pulse's Heart Beat Monitor you can kill people from below through a breachable floor/ceiling.
A DMR is also known as a Marksman Rifle, a single-shot rifle. Twitch's 417 (Also used by Lion), Glaz's OTs-03, Buck's CAMRS, Blackbeard's SR-25, Dokkaebi's Mk 14, and Kali's CSRX 300. Kali's by far being the best DMR in the game to date but she costs 25k renown. It can one-shot kill 3 speed operators. Aruni is the first and only defender with a DMR.
Full AutoMost Attackers have an assault rifle but Ash, Fuze and Twitch has what are considered to be the top 3. The R4-C, AK-12 and F2 respectively. Only 3 defenders have one, Jaeger Wamai and Thunderbird, the 416-C Carbine, Aug A2 and the Spear.
The M590A1 (Sledge, Thatcher, Mute, Smoke and Warden) is a two-shot at close range but has a slow fire rate. The SG-CQB (Twitch, Doc, Rook and Lion) is also pretty good. Ela's (Year 2 15k renown) shotgun is extremely powerful at close range. You can also use Buck as he has an under-barrel shotgun on an assault rifle or DMR, though he costs 10000 renown. Jackal, Mira, Frost, Castle, Gridlock and Amaru all have a secondary shotgun.
GreaserI find the 9x19 Spetznaz SMG has very little recoil, is easy to use and accurate so choose Kapkan or Tachanka. Doc and Rook's MP5 is also easy to use. The MPX on Valkyrie and Warden also has little to no recoil.
Objective Based Trophies
It Begins...You don't have to win, just stay till the end of the match.
Perimeter SecuredReally easy. Play Secure on Quick Match.
That was Fast!This is very much luck-based, but there is a chance that you will spawn very close to the objective room, so just keep playing and you will get this eventually.
This will come naturally as you go for other trophies and learn to play the game.
BoomshakalakaEasier said than done, even in casual. People get very competitive in this mode. Just do your best. If you have the defuser, try not to rush in right away. When you're close to a bomb, drone the room and if it's clear, try to find a spot in a doorway or by a window, basically an open area that's easy to defend and difficult for a defender to hide in. If they fail to stop the defuser then attackers win. Camera ops such as Valkyrie or Echo are useful defenders, as they can place a camera in each bomb room. Echo can use his yokai to stop attackers from planting, his sonic burst stops the planting process. Try to place Valkyrie's black eyes so they can see entrances to the rooms and aren't blocked by obstructions such as shelves and fans. The third should be placed in a nearby room or near a heavy traffic area. Having a camera in the bomb rooms can be important, because if the defuser is planted, a camera can detect it and an icon will appear. To disarm it, go to it and hold Square.
Hit and RunYou'll very likely get this in a Quick Match as people have a tendency to rage quit and/or team kill. If it's a 5 v 3/2/1 just rush the objective room on the attack round.
Death from AboveBreaching any old spot won't count for this. You'll need an operator that carries breaching charges. Look for a wooden hatch in the floor, preferably above the objective and place your breach charge. Back up a safe distance and set it off. Just keep in mind that there may be a roaming defender nearby and that wooden hatches that are barricaded cannot be broken with regular breaching charges.
You'll need to rappel up a wall by holding X next to a climbable wall. Ascend up to a window covered in wooden barricades, melee it twice with R3 then press X to enter.
Asset ProtectionThere are two good choices for this: Fuze and Thatcher. Fuze's gadget is a cluster grenade. To launch, you must hold Square next to a breachable surface such as tile, soft walls or wooden barricades, he can now also penetrate reinforcements. Thatcher's gadget is an EMP grenade that disables electronic devices and it can go through walls. IQ is also a good choice as she can detect enemy gadgets which can be shot through breachable surfaces, such as floors or ceilings.
Oh Yeah!Choose Thermite during attacking and destroy a reinforced wall. You'll know its reinforced because you'll see little metal pieces sticking out of it.
Standard cameras look like a black bubble on a white base, ones located outside usually hang from a long white pole. IQ or Twitch are good for learning camera locations. Use IQ's gadget to detect cameras and other nearby electronics. Twitch's drone is perfect for running around the map destroying cameras and/or defender gadgets.
That Was CloseYou can volunteer to carry it. It is best to wait until the room is clear and/or at least 3 of the enemies are dead.
OverachieverThis will take time and practice unless you have really good players on your team.
FortessGo up to a destructible wall and hold Square. There is now a pool of 10 barricades anyone can access regardless of remaining teammates.
WoodworkerSimply cover unbarricaded doors or windows with Square 5 times.
An important thing you'll want to do as a defender is to destroy attackers drones as they are cameras and can spot you. Bandit or Mute are perfect for this, Bandit can place barbed wire and add a battery to it, this instantly destroys any drone. Mute's Jammers stop a drone in its tracks making an easy target. The only thing you need to watch out for is Twitch as she can destroy both types of traps.
Close, But No CigarThe defuser is a little yellow box carried by the attackers, it's their goal to plant it. It's best to either hide behind something or make sure all attackers are dead before attempting to do this. Approach it and hold Square.
Can't Breach ThisPick a few operators that you're good with and practice. 2-3 speeds are the best roamers. Be sure to barricade any soft walls and use your gadgets effectively. 3 Armours are better anchors.
Brothers in ArmsHold square next to a downed teammate to revive them or you can revive with your stim gun as Doc when defending. Aim the gun at the downed ally to revive them from a safe distance. Finka can also now revive a downed ally with her adrenal surge on attack.
Ranked Mode Trophies
You must complete 10 ranked matches to receive your first ranking. Ranked is unlocked at clearance level 50 after getting 5 pvp wins.
One MindPlease see Perfectionist below.
This will most likely be rather difficult solo queueing. I suggest trying to get a decent squad together for these. A flawless means you won 4 - 0. A surrender from the enemy team without any losses also counts.
MasterThis will be a long road. I highly recommend you find a squad for this. With the recent changes rank us no longer skill based. Instead, you start at Copper 5 and work your way up to gold 5. Join the Rainbow Six Siege Official Discord to find high skill players.
Misc. Trophies
You only need one other person for this, so grab a friend or boosting partner.
This will come naturally with time as you go for other trophies. You level up quickly at first but it slows down later on.
CollectorThis will take some time. Winning a match and scoring better then your teammates will reward you with more renown. You can also buy Rainbow Credits which you can then use to purchase boosters. Ubisoft Connect (Formerly Ubisoft Club) offers a free 24-hour booster. There is a also 3 day and 7 day available for ubisoft credits.
Fashion WeekWeapon Skins come from Alpha Packs which you get a chance to spin for by winning an multiplayer match. However, you can unlock the Elephant skin from the Ubisoft Connect (formerly Ubisoft Club) for free, which is a universal skin. Equip it to any 30 weapons.
DesignerYou'll want to do this before starting any matches. Add a sight, a grip and barrel extension to the guns of your chosen operators.
AccessorizingThis is best done before you jump into multiplayer, attach a barrel extension, grip, and sight to all your operators weapons. The ACOG is best for long-range and for close-range I prefer the holographic B for close range, flash hider for AR, muzzle break for single-shot weapons like pistols and DMR and extended barrel for SMG if it's available. A suppressor hurts damage but is great for roamer's and attacker's pistols for shooting indoor cameras. Please see below for the best attachments for your weapons.
Additional Tips:
I highly suggest you play the VS AI playlist before jumping into multiplayer.
Learning the controls will be invaluable, such as pressing L3 and R3 to peek and look around corners. Holding an angle is important because it means you have the advantage, if you see them first you can shoot first. Having a headset with a mic will also help a lot as directional sound can help you determine where your enemy is coming from and communicating with your team helps a lot, whether it's for going for a specific trophy or working toward that flawless in ranked.
Team killing is something you might encounter and though you might be tempting, I suggest not doing it. A new system has also been introduced to deter team killing. If you TK someobe they activate Reverse Friendly Fire, the damage is reversed, killing you instead. Continued team killing will have this actived permanently until you go against set amount of matching without TKing.
Defending varies based on your chosen operator. 3-speed characters such as Caviera are known as roamers, but some people will roam with 3-armour, 1-speed characters such as Rook. If you're unsure what operator to pick try Rook. His job is simple; hold R1 to place your armour plates and be sure to grab one for yourself. Be sure to place your barricades on destructible walls with squares. If you want to get advanced, you should try to learn hatch locations and cover them for your team. This prevents Fuze in some locations as well as attacks from above unless they have a hard breacher (Thermite/Hibana/Maverick/Ace), however, they can be countered by playing Kaid's claw on a barricaded hatch. Flanking can be extremely useful in defending, opening a floor hatch and dropping in can allow you to flank an enemy. Roaming can seem scary but its a good way to learn a map and help you win.
As for attacking, Sledge or Thermite are a good choice. Sledge has a hammer that can breach breachable surfaces such as wood and drywall. Thermite has exothermic charges that can destroy metal barricades. If you run with a squad, having a Thatcher can also be invaluable as he can use EMPs that disable all electronic devices in the vicinity, which can allow hard breachers to deploy their devices. It even goes through walls.
Headshots mean an instant kill, body shots are more likely to down an enemy, causing them to bleed out, where they can be revived by a teammate.
Rook and Doc are good starter operators if you're not sure who to use at first. They are support operators. Rook gives your team armour that boosts their health. Doc has a stim gun with 3 shots. He can heal a teammate for 40 health by aiming and firing at them, it can even be used to revive a downed teammate from a safe distance. You can also heal and revive yourself by pressing [cn_R1].
Sledge, Thatcher or Thermite are good attackers for beginners. Sledge has a hammer he can swing with R1 that can break a hole in destructible walls. His pump action shotgun paired with a pistol gives a good close ranged weapon and a decent long-range weapon. Thatcher has an EMP grenade that can disable any electronic defender gadgets within its throw radius and Thermite has exothermic charges for breaching reinforced walls. Breaching a wood floor or hatch above the objective room can give you an advantage over defenders and catch them off guard. Another good choice is Fuze, especially for matches with lots of breachable surfaces, his specialty is a launcher that you place on a breachable surface then set off to send a cluster grenade into the room.
Make sure you customize your operator's guns before jumping into a game. Having a good sight will help a lot when aiming down your sights. ACOG is best for assault rifles/SMGs, though not all operators have this sight, reflex works just as well. Adding a barrel extension and a grip can also help reduce recoil. A silencer is only really useful for an attacker's sidearm as it can be used to destroy cameras, but it reduces damage.
Here are some additional videos for more in-depth tips:
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