Sunday, November 29, 2020

Payday 2 (PS3) ~ Platinum Guide

Quick Overview

Payday 2 is a first-person shooter about a criminal gang, and it is the sequel to Payday the Heist. It does have DLC, but it is not required for the platinum. Though it might make it easier as it gives you frag grenades and a couple heists that have a chance for certain escapes. This is the PS3 version which is a very outdated version of the game. If you want a more up to date version, you can get Payday 2 Crimewave or The Big Score on PS4.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

Most trophies can be done solo but there are a few that will, require online coop. Playing solo offline will allow you restart a heist as needed (ex. Getting 9 paintings will take multiple restarts). It is possible to join mid heist, so setting up certain trophies then inviting others to join is possible.

Completely OVERKILL

The Platinum trophy.

Coming in Hot

Start watchdogs on normal, then buy the upgraded escape vehicle. Secure the bags as normal and be waiting where the escape arrives. Best done solo.

Fish A.I.

On day 2 of Watchdogs throw a bag of coke into the water, it can then be retrieved at the spawn point to be secured.

Guessing Game

This one is stealth as well as RNG. Your required to disable 2 alarm boxes while in stealth and secure the server. Which boxes depends on RNG.

The First Line

On day 3 of firestarter you'll have the crew and bank job. There are 2 ways of doing this. Loud sawing the boxes open while fending off the cops or stealth by locking down the bank by either killing or tieing down all civilians while preventing them from setting off the alarm after dealing with the guards and cameras. Then you can saw open the boxes to find a picture of the Overkill Hockey Team.

F in Chemistry

Simply put in The wrong ingredient. Note that doing this before making enough meth for the trade will result in having to fight the gangsters on day 2.

Caribbean Pirate

This one is a little buggy. Cook at least 4 bags on Day 1. On Day 2 deliver the meth, find the info and your payment. Kill the guards, steal the info and secure the payment. Then steal back the meth.

Short Fuse

You'll need at least 3 people with fast hands perk. I Recommend 4 though as this must be done quickly. On day 3 of Rats, you must get 7 bags off the bus without diffusing the C4. Bag the cash and toss it out a nearby door and grab another as quick as possible. I believe they still count after the bus is on fire but it's easy to get downed doing it this way.

Painting Yourself Into a Corner

This requires stealth. The amount of paintings can range from 4-9. The paintings have a red sticker on them. If you're having trouble, keep restarting until there are only 4 paintings. 

Big Deal

This is an RNG trophy and will require a lot of restarts. I recommend going loud and bring a saw. At the start of the heist run through all the rooms and count how many paintings there are, if there are less than 9, restart and try again. Do this on normal.

I Wasn't Even There!

This is a stealth trophy.

Smooth Criminal

As simple as reaching level 25. This will come naturally.

Career Criminal

As simple as reaching level 75. See Most Wanted for more information.

I got it, I got It!

Can be done solo. Try using a medium weight bag, such as cash. Toss the bag in the air with L2 and spam R2 as it drops down towards you.

I Knew What I Did Was Wrong

You'll need a saw and an ammo bag to open the atms.

Doctor Fantastic

After you go down in the lab to search the correct engine you'll have to search 3 things which can be in the lab or in the house, :

- A clipboard that tells you which gas element it is. The clipboard will look like this and will say Helium, Nitrogen or Deuterium. In the lab there's a white board that tells you the color of that specific gas canister.

- Another clipboard that tells you how many nozzles it has. This one is rather easy, on the clipboard it will say 1xH, 2xH or 3xH on the bottom. If it says 1xH it means it has 1 nozzle going to the gas canister. 2xH has 2 nozzle's and 3xH three.

- The Computer with a green graph (this one is always in the lab.) In the top right corner it will say a psi number, with and < or an >.

> 5812 = bar above or equal to 401

< 5812 = bar below or equal to 401

> 5783 = bar above or equal to 399

< 5783 = bar below or equal to 399

You can find a barometer on the engine's, now last step is to figure out which engine it is.

You can use Big Oil Calculator to help you narrow it down if you find the clues.

Diamonds are Forever

This can be done in stealth or by buying Expert Driver.

Let's do Th...

You'll need Shaped Charges from Technician. Start Ukrainian Job on Hard, you have a 50% chance of getting the correct safe. As soon as it starts mask up run in blow open one of the safes grab the Tiara and run back to the van. If it's the wrong safe restart and try again.

Yeah he's a Gold Digger

Bring Shaped Charge and upgraded drills in Technician.It won't be there every time. You have 4 chances, one safe in each store.

I'm Going All-in!

The poker table in the back room next to the kitchen. The cash will be in one of the 2 safes.

Shoot the Glass!

Like the description says break all the windows.

Lord of War

There are a total of 12 sets of assault rifles. They must be secured in the van before escaping. Having a saw/upgraded drills/C4 will give easy access the cargo trucks.

King of the Hill

The best way to get it is to play Jewelry Store and kill all the civilians, then capture at least 4 bags, before leaving during an assault. Once you get Park Escape, earning the trophy is simple. What you want to do is move all your bags into the corner of the street, then have all players stay there. If you do that, then the enemies won't spawn inside the park at all, and they won't venture into it. If however you start the Escape with the van crashed into the wall, you'll have to restart it as enemies spawn inside the park. Once the escape vehicle arrives without any law enforcement stepping foot in the park, you'll get the trophy.

You Shall not Pass!

Overpass Escape can be found after Rats or Nightclub. In order to increase your chances of getting the Escape to appear, you must kill civilians, escape during an assault, or in the case of Rats, blow up the laboratory on Day 1. This is best done on Rats, as blowing up the lab will almost guarantee you get Overpass Escape. Once you get Overpass Escape, you'll want to split your team up on both ends of the bridge. At least 2 players is recommended, so that you can cover both entrances, as well as a lower difficulty. Once you're in position, simply keep the enemies at bay, then make it to the escape vehicle for your trophy. Sentry Guns can also help.

Cappuccino to go, Please

The best way to get it is to play Jewelry Store and kill all the civilians, then capture at least one more bag than the requirement, before leaving during an assault. Alternatively, you can just do Ukranian Job and capture a single bag, before leaving during an assault. This is a lot faster and makes completing Cafe Escape significantly easier, as you won't have to guess which alleyway the vehicle will appear at, as you'll have the bag on your back.

Once you get Cafe Escape, you'll want to move all of your bags to one of the three escape locations. One is near the end of the street you start on, indicated by a boarded up fence. The other is around the corner of that building, leading into the same alleyway. The last is behind the building with the 'Daily Washington' banners that's behind you where you spawn, with no boarded up fence at all. Defend yourself until the van arrives, and if you chose the right escape route, you'll be able to throw all your loot in the van within 30 seconds, then escape. If however, you chose the wrong escape route, simply kill yourself off (or restart if doing this solo).

Bullet Dodger

The best way to get it is to play Jewelry Store and kill all the civilians, then capture at least 4 bags, before leaving during an assault. Alternatively, just do Four Stores and kill civilians, then leave during an assault. Once you get Street Escape, open the two doors behind you that leads to the back alley, then just lay low in the starting building. When the escape vehicle arrives, run to it and ignore the snipers. If you have AI turned on, they may attempt to kill snipers, but chances are they won't. If you make it to the helicopter without killing any snipers, then the trophy is yours.

They see me Baggin', They Hatin'

First of all, you'll want to do Nightclub on Very Hard or Overkill difficulty. The reason for this is it means you have a higher chance of both safes spawning, and of having at least 8 bags spawns between those safes. I recommend Overkill. As for playing, I recommend you do this with at least 2 players, if not more, with enough skill points to get some high tiered skills. You'll want access to either 2 sets of Shaped Charges and OVE9000 Saw, 1 set of Shaped Charges and someone with Lockpicking Specialist Ace, or a combination of all these skills and equipment. The reason for this is to allow you to gain access to the safes quickly, allowing for faster attempts. Lastly, before you start, make sure you purchase the Loot Drop Truck asset, as this will make delivering the bags once you get 8 to spawn a lot easier. When you start, head into the Nightclub nice and loud, taking out civilians on your way. Once you reach the back, open the doors either with the OVE9000 Saw, lockpicking or the keycard that a guard has. If you have enough Shaped Charges, then you can just blow the door. Now, you need both safes to spawn, which happens about 90% of the time on Overkill. With both safes available, blow them open with your Shaped Charges or pick them open. The money safe can spawn up to 4 bags, whilst the cocaine safe can spawn up to 7 bags (there's enough space for 12 cocaine piles, but I've never had more than 7 spawn). If you manage to get 8 bags, take them to the upstairs office on the right side ready to drop into the Loot Truck. If you don't get 8, just restart. With 8 bags captured, simply wait for the escape van to arrive, killing any civilians that may be left. When it arrives, make sure to leave during an assault. If you're lucky, you may get an Escape. Even if you get an Escape though, you only have a 25% chance of getting Garage Escape, as 4 of the 5 Escapes can appear after Nightclub. If you get Garage Escape, then it's smooth sailing. Once you get Garage Escape, make sure you have Two-Piece Suit equipped for faster movement. Work together to move all the bags at once, rather than delivering one at a time. Head up the car park until you arrive at a locked staircase off to the side, which you can just blow open with Shaped Charges, cut open with the OVER9000 Saw or simply lockpick. With the two doors open, just move the bags into the van to get this annoying trophy out of the way! Recommended skills for doing this are: Endurance Ace (Mastermind Tier 1), Inside Man (Mastermind Tier 2), Transporter Ace (Enforcer Tier 1), Portable Saw Ace (Enforcer Tier 5), Carbon Blade (Enforcer Tier 6), Shaped Charge Ace (Technician Tier 5), Sprinter Ace (Ghost Tier 1), Fast Hands Ace (Ghost Tier 2), Lockpicking Specialist Ace (Ghost Tier 5).

Tip the Scales

Go to the Safehouse and do the tutorial, this will give you access to the basement.

I'm a Healer-Tank-Damage-Dealer

Simply invest 10 points in each skill tree. Choose basic skills that cost 1-2 points. You can back up your save if needed and reset your save or wait until you reach infamy 1 to reset your skill tree.

Man of Iron

You must unlock this via the Enforcer skill tree, it is a tier 6 skill.

Going Places

Spendable cash is what you use to pay for heist assets, for example, expert driver.

No Turning Back

Complete any heist. Ukranian Job and Jewelry store are easy and short.

Spend Money to Make Money

Pretty much spend money on anything. Guns should be your first priority since you need 16 of them.

You Gotta Start Somewhere

Simply reach level 5. This will come naturally.

Guilty of Crime

Simply reach level 10. This will come naturally.

Armed and Dangerous

Simply reach level 50. See Most Wanted for more information.

Most Wanted

Simply reach level 100. The best level to grind is rats and it has an exploitable glitch if done correctly.

Fully Loaded

Buy any 9 weapons. You can buy duplicates of the cheapest ones.

Weapon Collector

Buy any 18 weapons. You can buy duplicates of the cheapest ones.

No one Cared who I Was...

You'll either get this by doing the tutorial or by starting a heist in casing mode.

Masked Villain

Add any material to any mask, both of which are card drops, then save it. Default masks cannot be customized.

Armed to the Teeth

The easiest way is to add a suppressor to a pistol for stealth trophies. You should start with that standard issue suppressor so put that on your pistol of choice.

Would you Like Your Receipt?

Buy any weapon. The RPK light machine gun is a good loud starting weapon as it has no level requirement and has a large magazine.

How do you Like me Now?

Equip any armour.

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