Saturday, January 29, 2022

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain ~ Platinum Guide PS3 and PS4

Quick Overview

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the fifth main entry in the Metal Gear Solid series. It has some crazy plot twists which are supposed to fix retcons imposed by previous canon games in the series.


Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

There are 2 online trophies, the rest can be completed offline.

Though there are daily login rewards and an online resource pool which will make researching items easier, as there is a maximum amount of GMP you can have while offline. The premium currency, MB Coins, is optional and most definitely not required. They are used to speed up research.


The Platinum trophy.


Story related. Follow the given instructions and you should have no trouble.

Phantom Limb

Story related. This is your first official mission and your introduction to the open world.


Story related. Use what you've learned to complete the mission.

Gears Turn

Story related. Use what you've learned to complete the mission.


Story related. Use what you've learned to complete the mission.


Story related. Use what you've learned to complete the mission.


Story related. Use what you've learned to complete the mission.


Story related. Use what you've learned to complete the mission.


Story related. Use what you've learned to complete the mission. This mission has special conditions to unlock. It starts right after completing Side Op #150.


Story related. Use what you've learned to complete the mission. This mission has special conditions to unlock.

  • Complete all missions except Extreme, Subsistence and Total Stealth Variants.
  • Complete all important Side Ops (the yellow ones.)
  • Build all 28 platforms of Mother Base. (You can build FOBs online to get the required materials faster and easier.)

You can earn this with any staff member and any mission. There are a several missions which can be completed relativity easily and quickly.

  • Mission 1 Phantom Limbs - By destroying the Anti-Radar in Da Ghwandai Khar on your initial playthrough you can then go straight there deal with the guards, rescue Miller and call for extraction without ever having to deal with the skulls.
  • Mission 3 A Heroes Way - Make sure to bring a lethal sniper with a decent scope. Head to Da Shago Kallai and find a good spot where you see the commander. You can snipe him through a window or wait until he comes outside to address his soldiers, then call a nearby extraction.
  • Mission 4 C2W - Destroy the Anti-Air Radar at Eastern Communications Outpost on your initial play through and then subsequent playthroughs choose the Landing Zone at the outpost. Use the helicopters minigun to destroy the 3 Satellites with ease.
  • Mission 8 Occupation Forces - Bring D-Horse (You will need Fulton + )and head west from your insertion point, you should come across some ruined buildings and a crumbling stone half wall, put D-Horse in the middle of the road then hide and wait. The Colonel and his escort will arrive shortly. When the first Tank stops quickly run and Fulton it followed by the truck and the other tank. If the truck tries to drive away shoot one of the tires to cause it to spin out. You can then extract at a nearby LZ.
  • Mission 9 Back Up Back Down - This requires the Fulton +2 upgrade or wormhole. Go to the road North of Yahko Oboo Supply Outpost and put D-Horse in the middle of the road near the hill. Wait by the side of the road in a cardboard box. When a vehicle gets close and stops go to it and Fulton it. Go onto the hill and use a phantom cigar to end the countdown and extract.
  • Mission 10 Angel with Broken Wings - Go to the road just north of Lamar Khaate Palace, put D-Horse in the middle of the road. Fulton the escort (requires Fulton +2) and grab Malak. Extract at the nearby LZ.
  • Mission 14 Lingua Franca - Bring D-Dog and go to the area north west of Kiziba camp. There you will find the Viscount and a lone guard. Deal with the guard and extract him at the nearby landing zone.
  • Mission 27 Root Cause - Bring D-Dog and quickly make your way along the high path on the right. Once you get close notice the prisoner is trying to enter a truck. Quickly grab him and place him in the passenger seat then drive out of the extraction zone.

By completing 3 missions with a staff member they gain a medal which gives them a permanent boost to their stats, although this should be done after the story is completed I will not say why as there are story spoilers.


Not too difficult as you just have to focus on the main objective, although the Extreme, Subsistence and Total Stealth may prove challenging, please see Accomplished and Elite if you are struggling. Please see Disappearance and Truth for how to unlock mission 45 and 46.


You'll likely accomplish some of them on your first play through but it's best to save them for post game when you've researched better and more useful equipment. Some cannot be completed without getting Fulton +2 which requires a special staff member acquired about halfway through the game. You'll also need the wormhole which requires a late game key item.

Prologue Awakening 

  • Reflex can be turned off in the options menu
  • You'll need to time your shots. When he gets close shoot him once to force his back, then when he raises his arm shoot 2-3 times to throw off his aim. If you mess up restart from the checkpoint.
Mission 1 Phantom Limbs
  • The Commander is found at top in the north most shed, identifiable by a red beret.
  • To avoid them simply use the LZ unlocked by destroying the Anti air radar.
  • The photo shows the location of the Diamond in Spugmay Keep 
  • He can be found taking a smoke break at Da Wialo Vilage, otherwise you can use D-Horse to stop the truck or shoot out a tire.
Mission 2 Diamond Dogs

  • Grab a soldier and choke him out.
  • Mash the cqc button to perform a 5-hit combo

Mission 3 A Heros Way

  • This can be done with a tranq sniper and a good scope.
  • Combine this with the above.
  • See the photo for the location.
  • See the photo for the location. 
Mission 4 C2W
  • The Diamonds location is shown in the screenshot. 
  • Destroy the central unit in the building in the middle of the outpost.
  • They are located within a few feet of each other in the southern shed.
  • Extract 1 of the 2 containers.
Mission 5 Over the Fence
  • Extract him through the hole seen here. 
  • The other prisoner is sitting on top of the arch leading into the barracks.
  • It is located on the western side of the barracks. Fultoning it requires the +2 upgrade. You can also drive out of the hot zone.
  • Located in the northern most shed in the barracks.
Mission 6 Where do the Bees Sleep
  • Any method is fine but early game your options are limited.
  • Do not use it against the Skulls.
  • He is being transported from the Relay Base to Da Smasei Laman. You can save him before they leave.
  • One is in a guard tower tower on the road leading to base. The other is on the scaffolding below the bridge. They can be identified by their black beanies.
  • The helicopter can be found patrolling over guard post #17, bring a rocket launcher.
Mission 7 Red Brass
  • Bring D-Horse (to do this efficiently you will need Fulton +2) and deploy by Wakh Sind Barracks. Have D-Horse poop in the road causing the jeep to spin out, Fulton the jeep with soldiers inside. Do the the same to other jeep.
  • Do the above then go to Da Wiallo Kallai and extract the final target.
  • Go to Da Wiallo Kallai and wait for the 2 commanders to arrive.  Feel free to deal with the guards while you wait. Once they arrive set yourself outside the building eavesdrop on the meeting.
  • Go to Da Gwandhai Khar and bring D-Dog to help you find the prisoners. They are being held in separate buildings.
Mission 8 Occupation Forces
  • They are in the top most house in Sakhra Ee Village.
  • Bring D-Horse (You will need Fulton + )and head west from your insertion point, you should come across some ruined buildings and a crumbling stone half wall, put D-Horse in the middle of the road then hide and wait. The Colonel and his escort will arrive shortly. When the first Tank stops quickly run and Fulton it followed by the truck and the other tank. If the truck tries to drive away shoot one of the tires to cause it to spin out.
  • The prisoner is located in the building with the communications equipment.
Mission 9 Back Up Back Down
  • You only need to eliminate 2.
  • I highly suggest doing this post game using the Bandana. Bring your strongest rocket launcher, D-Horse and your best battle dress. Spawn east of Lamar Khaate Palace and take off immediately and start taking out armoured vehicles as you go. If one escapes restart the checkpoint and keep trying till you learn their spawn points.
  • At around the 5 minute mark the truck spawns. This requires the Fulton +2 upgrade. Go to the road North of Yahko Oboo Supply Outpost and put D-Horse in the middle of the road near the hill. When it stops secure the cargo in the back of the truck.
  • See above.
  • There is a hidden path between guard #12 and #15, you will find them there.
  • Prisoner #1 is found in the hidden path between guard post #12 and #15. If you are not fast enough he will be found and executed. Prisoner #2 is being tansported via jeep, Ocelot will inform you of his arrival. Prisoner #3 is wandering the desert just south of Lamar Khaate Palace. Prisoner #4 is locked in one of the metal sheds at Lamar Khaate Palace. Prisoner #5 is wandering the river bed just north of guard post #12. Prisoner #6 is in the basement of Wakh Sind Barracks. 
  • The tanks will only appear once all 7 armoured vehicles are eliminated. They each follow a set path.
Mission 10 Angel with Broken Broken Wings
  • Mission 10 Angel with Broken Wings - Go to the road just north of Lamar Khaate Palace, put D-Horse in the middle of the road. Fulton the escort (requires Fulton +2).
  • You need to extract them quickly before they are executed. 
  • They are in the room shown below. 
  • Go to Yahko Oboo Supply Outpost and bring D-Dog. Go to the west side of the building and wait until Malak arrives, lean against the wall just outside the room he is placed in to hear the conversation.
Mission 11 Cloaked in Silence
  • It's possible to get both objectives using the supply drop trick. Mark Quiet and call a supply drop on her location. You'll need to pop out just as it's about to hit her to distract her or she will dodge it. Do this a couple times to knock her out. Done correctly this should also give you the S Rank.
Mission 12 Hellbound
  • Emmerich is located in the northwestern building, reach him without raising the alarm and carry him to the extraction point safely and undetected. Hide from Sahalanthropus until the helicopter arrives.
  • The first 2 are spotted as soon as you enter the base. Snipe the 2 soldiers manning them from the hill to right of the base. The other is patrolling further into the base.
  • It is located in a small warehouse in the northwest in Afghanistan Base Camp close to where Emmerich is being held. 
  • It is inside the building in the very middle of the Afghanistan Base Camp.
Mission 13 Pitch Dark
  • The pump controls are upstairs in the eastern building.
  • Place a C4 on the side of the tank and get a safe distance away before setting it off.
  • They are being trained by an enemy soldier if you neutralize him they will try to escape. Knock them out to prevent them from escaping.
  • This can be done by exfiltrating via container, requires Fulton +2, after setting off the C4 or by having D Horse waiting just outside Mfinda Oilfield for a quick getaway.
  • The burned village is southwest of Mfinda Oilfield.
  • Once the tank is destroyed 4 metal gears, 2 from the west and 2 from the south.
Mission 14 Lingua Franca
  • Right after disembarking the helicopter head for Kiziba Camp and you'll spot the interpreter and his escort.
  • The viscount is located to the northwest of Kiziba Camp in a nondescript location with 1 guard.
  • The Intel file is in the center of Kiziba Camp with the comms equipment. 
  • Prisoner 1 is north of  Kiziba Camp on the road to to guard post #1. Prisoner 2 is being brought to cages where prisoner 3 is being held at the south end of Kiziba camp. 
  • There are 4 containers, 2 to the north and 2 to the south. You must extract all 4.
  • #1 After deploying head straight to Kiziba Camp to hear a conversation between the interpreter and commander. #2 Prisoner 1 is being interrogated next he will then be brought to prisoner 's location for interrogation #3. This conversation may be glitchy. Interrogation #4 takes place in the central house, it will take some time for the viscount to arrive. This converstion may be glitchy.
Mission 15 Footprints of Phantoms
  • Prisoner 1 is located in a tent. Prisoner 2 is in the ruined building. 
  • The walker gears are in 2 pairs just below the giant rock.
  • It's located just behind the giant rock. 
  • It's parked just outside the outpost.
Mission 16 Traitors Caravan
  • Bring your strongest Rocket Launcher, optionally a grenade launcher. Go to Nova Braga Airport at the northwest side. There's a dumpster where you climb over the fence where the escort will meet the truck. Approaching the truck will alert the skulls causing a battle. Call supply drops as needed. It best to fight some distance from the truck, lure them over to the nearby material containers to avoid killing the puppets.
  • You can do this after eliminating the skulls. He should be unconscious nearby the truck.
  • It is in a tent at guard post 14.
  • Conversation 1 Go to the Fence located just behind the truck. Conversation 2 takes place at guard post 12, hide nearby thr road and wait. Conversation 3 Kiziba Camp, hide by the Material containers nearby the hill with the tent.
  • You can do this after eliminating the skulls. They should be unconscious nearby the truck.
Mission 17 Rescue the Intel Agents 
  • They won't appear until you extract the first Intel Agent. They are located to the north of Kiziba Camp.
  • He is inside a building on the west side of Kiziba Camp.
  • Go to guard post 1, you will see 2 jeeps leaving. Those are the reinforcements.
  • Shortly after extracting the first Intel Agent a truck will arrive at Kiziba Camp, extract the driver.
Mission 18 Blood Runs Deep
  • Instead of killing the rebel leader, Fulton him.
  • Use the wormhole to extract them in the cave.
  • Using a rocket launcher, optionally a tracking one, ie. The honeybee.
  • East of guard post 3 and south of guard post 13. Use DD to spot them.
  • They patrol between guard posts near Kungenga Mine.
Mission 19 On the Trail
  • He is at guard post 15 before entering a jeep.
  • Follow him to the Major then extract them both.
  • He's found in a building at guard post 16.
  • After tailing the subordinate listen to the conversation and then you have a opportunity to extract both.
Mission 20 Voices
  • Incompacitate the Man on Fire using one of the water towers to make him appear, get near the Man on Fire and call in a tank. It should land on him and end the fight.
  • Lure the Man on Fire near the pool of water and place a C4 on the nearby propane tank, once he walks by the C4 set it off to launch him into the water.
  • In a tent at guard post 20.
  • 2 can be found near guard post 17.
  • Climb into the back of the truck at Munoko Ya Nioka. This should allow you to hear all 3 conversations easily.
Mission 21 The War Economy
  • Make your way to the hangar with the truck next to the main building in Nova Braga Airport. Carefully knock out the 2 walker gears patrolling the area. Bring DD so you can see when they are approaching the hangar. Tranq and extract both of them then exfil via material container.
  • Sneak into the building where the official is waiting and hide behind the boxes. Once they finish talking sneak out and head to the truck in the hangar, climb in the back to hear 2 more conversations. The last takes place back in the main building so will need to sneak back in after they arrive.
  • After extracting both of them the heli will wait on the roof of the main building, place a few C4 to blow it up and retrieve the Blueprint.
  • You will need the wormhole to extract these.
Mission 23 The White Mamba
  • She is in a building in the northern section of the village.
  • You can have Quiet tranq him or you can do it yourself with a sniper. Stand on the dock north of the shipwreck and headshot him with the sniper.
  • In a tent at guard post 6.
  • Have Quiet help you neutralize all the kids in the village and at guard post 6. You need the child Fulton upgrade or wormhole, optionally you can place them in the helicopter.
Mission 24 Close Contact
  • They can be found east/south east of guard post 20. Bring DD to locate them quickly.
  • They will arrive at guard post 20 not long after you arrive.
  • They are found at guard post 16.
  • It's south of Munoko Ya Nioka on a high wall. 
  • Found north of Munoko Ya Nioka.
Mission 25 Aim True Ye Vengeful
  • He xan be found in between guard post 16 and 20. Try to get to him quickly or he will be killed by wild jackals.
  • They will arrive not long after you. You will need the child Fulton upgrade or the wormhole, optionally you can place them in a jeep and extract it and/or place them in the helicopter.
  • You will have to extract them via land as the XO is injured and cannot be fultoned with the jeep.
  • It's on a high hill south of guard post 16. 
Mission 26 Hunting Down
  • Ditadi Village at the top of the hill where the walker gears were in Mission 15, next to the comms equipment.
  • It takes 15 minutes for him to reach Kiziba Camp.
  • Use DD to find them north west of guard post 14.
  • Prisoner is in a tent closest to the top of the hill. Prisoner is in the next closest tent heading down the hill, prisoner 3 is in the next closest tent geared down the hill and prisoner 4 is in a ruined building. 
  • Northwest of guard post 14.
Mission 27 Root Cause
  • Bring DD and run along the right side of the guard post. You should see the prisoner heading towards the truck. Stop him quickly or he will crash. Tranq the nearby guard. Place the agent in the passenger side of the truck and drive out of the hotzone.
Mission 28 Code Talker
  • Sneak through the jungle to reach the mansion, enter through the front door and head to the left to reach the basement. Skip the cutscene, grab Code Talker and run back through the jungle to the LZ where you deployed and exfil.
  • You can use either tranq or lethal sniper, bring DD.
  • Once a Skull has been defeated try to Fulton them quickly as they disappear if left on the ground too long. You will need cargo Fulton or wormhole.
  • It will only appear if you defeat the skulls.
Mission 29 Metallic Archaea
  • Quiet can deal with the puppets for you while you fight the skulls.
  • You will need cargo Fulton or wormhole.
Mission 30 Skull Face
  • Take your time Clearing the guards from each gate so you can safely Fulton the tanks, walker gears and material containers.
  • The tape is found just before reaching Skull Face. Go left instead of going towards the cutscene trigger. 
Mission 31 Sahelanthropus
  • Bring your best rocket launcher and a battle dress, optionally a grenade launcher. Focus your attacks on it's head.
  • When it is near death it will leap at you and Reflex mode will activate. Quickly attack to hit him.
Mission 32 To Know Too Much
  • Bring DD and go to the east of Da Shago Kallai, grab the agent and exfil at the nearest LZ.
  • Use DD to find the soldiers.
  • He can be found at Lamar Khaate Palace. 
  • Prisoner 1 is found at shage village in the first floor of the main building. Prisoner 2 is in a holding cell at Lamar Khaate Palace.
  • He only appears once the agent is brought to Lamar Khaate Palace. He can be identified by his balaclava and beret.9
Mission 33 Subsistence C2W
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 4 is applicable. The only difference will be destroying the comms equipment. You can find grenades in a wooden shed or simply shoot it with a gun you acquire.
Mission 34 Extreme Back Up, Back Down 
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 9 is applicable.
Mission 35 Cursed Legacy
  • Simply exfil via the second container.
  • Knock out all the guards then wake them up and hold them up so they won't move or simply extract them.
  • The tent south of the mansion.
  • He can be found in the mansion, he can be identified by his red beret.
  • The location is shown in the screenshot. 
Mission 36 Total Stealth Footprints of Phantoms
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 15 is applicable. The only difference is if you get spotted the mission is failed and needs to be restarted.
Mission 37 Extreme Traitors Caravan
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 16 is applicable.
Mission 38 Extraordinary
  • Bring Quiet and tranq all the guards including the ones arriving via jeep.
  • You must find the film canister before the jeeps arrive at Spugmay Keep.
  • He is found at guard post 24.
  • Take care of the soldier then tranq one.
Mission 39 Total Stealth Over the Fence
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 5 is applicable. The only difference is if you get spotted the mission is failed and needs to be restarted.
Mission 40 Extreme Cloaked in Silence 
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 11 is applicable.
Mission 41 Proxy War Without End
  • Ambush them at Guard Post 14 with EMN mines.
  • Wait for the chopper to land at a Nova Braga Airport, then follow him and extract him.
  • It is on the shelf in the same room you find the commander.
  • Grab the blueprints from the crash site after destroying it.
Mission 42 Extreme Metallic Archaea
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 29 is applicable.
Mission 44 Total Stealth Pitch Dark
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 13 is applicable. The only difference is if you get spotted the mission is failed and needs to be restarted.
Mission 45 A Quiet Exit
  • Before entering the LZ follow the Footprints in the sand to find it.
  • Bring a level 3 parasite suit with armour parasites and a CGM. Run up to the vehicles and Fulton them as quickly as possible.
  • Use the Bandana and a powerful rocket launcher to quickly take out enemies and be sure to tell Quiet to stand down as she will start cover fire of her own accord.
Mission 46 Truth - The Man Who Sold the World
  • Go for headshots and try not to get spotted.
  • Try to get ammo before killing the last soldier and shoot at the Man on Fire as he approaches.
Mission 47 Total Stealth The War Economy
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 21 is applicable. The only difference is if you get spotted the mission is failed and needs to be restarted.
Mission 48 Extreme Code Talker
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 28 is applicable.
Mission 49 Subsistence Occupation Forces
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 8 is applicable.
Mission 50 Extreme Sahelanthropus
  • This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 31 is applicable..


A small portion of these are quite easy and you might even get a few of these on your first  playthrough, but remember S stands for speed and stealth. Be sure to skip all cutscenes possible.

  • Prologue Awakening - Complete it under 20 minutes and try not to alert the guards that are searching for you.
  • Mission 1 Phantom Limbs - If you remembered to destroy the anti air radar in Da Ghwandai Khar go there straight away and take out the guards as quickly as possible. Grab Miller, call the chopper to the nearby LZ and extract.
  • Mission 2 Diamond Dogs - A tutorial mission, you likely got S Rank without trying.
  • Mission 3 A Heros Way - Bring D-Horse and a lethal sniper with a good scope. Head for Shago Village right away. Find a good spot so you can see the building in the north west. He's either inside or on the roof. You can either headshot him through the window or wait for him to come out and debrief his soldiers. Once He's dead quickly extract by leaving the hot zone by land.
  • Mission 4 C2W - During sortie prep choose the Eastern Communications Outpost LZ. On arrival use the mounted minigun to destroy the 3 satellite dishes. You can do this after eliminating the skulls. He should be unconscious nearby the truck.
  •  and retrieve the honey bee. Deal with the Skulls and extract at the nearby LZ by destroying the anti air radar.
  • Mission 7 Red Brass - Bring D-Horse, equip C4 and deploy by Wakh Sind Barracks. Place C4 on the road along the predicted path. Blow up the 1st jeep and quickly make your way to the predicted path of the 2nd one and take it out in the same manner. Then take out the final target in Da Wiallo Kallai quickly and quietly.
  • Mission 8 Occupation Forces - Bring D-Horse (You will need Fulton + )and head west from your insertion point, you should come across some ruined buildings and a crumbling stone half wall, put D-Horse in the middle of the road then hide and wait. The Colonel and his escort will arrive shortly. When the first Tank stops quickly run and Fulton it followed by the truck and the other tank. If the truck tries to drive away shoot one of the tires to cause it to spin out. You can then extract at a nearby LZ.
  • Mission 9 Back Up Back Down - This requires the Fulton +2 upgrade or wormhole. Go to the road North of Yahko Oboo Supply Outpost and pput D-Horse in the middle of the road near the hill. Wait by the side of the road in a cardboard box. When a vehicle gets close and stops go to it and Fulton it. Go onto the hill and use a phantom cigar to end the countdown and extract.
  • Mission 10 Angel with Broken Wings - Go to the road just north of Lamar Khaate Palace, put D-Horse in the middle of the road. Fulton the escort (requires Fulton +2) and grab Malak. Extract at the nearby LZ.
  • Mission 11 Cloaked in Silence - Mark Quiet and call a supply drop on her location. You'll need to pop out just as it's about to hit her to distract her or she will dodge it. Do this a couple times to knock her out.
  • Mission 12 Hellbound - From your starting location sneak your way out and get to the Afghanistan Base Camp. Emmerich is located in the northwestern building, reach him without raising the alarm and carry him to the extraction point safely and undetected. Hide from Sahalanthropus until the helicopter arrives.
  • Mission 13 Pitch Dark - Using Ddog stealth your way to the oil transfer pump shut off. Then get to a tank and place a C4. Then go to a materials located on site. Set off the C4, extract the container and use it to exfiltrate. (Requires Fulton +2)
  • Mission 14 Lingua Franca - The viscount is located to the northwest of Kiziba Camp in a nondescript location with 1 guard. You only need to extract him. Srave him the call the helicopter at the nearby LZ.
  • Mission 15 Footprints of Phantoms - The easiest way is to bring Quiet and tell her to tranq the guards. Make Your way to the walk gears and extract them, then exfil at the giant rock top LZ.
  • Mission 16 Traitors Caravan - Climb the wall on the north western side of the airport, stealthy extract the truck and exfil via material container.
  • Mission 17 Rescue the Intel Agents - You need to rescue both agents and exfil in under 10 minutes.
  • Mission 18 Blood Runs Deep - Quickly eliminate the rebel leader in Bampeve Plantation and make your way to the kids in Kungenga Mine, extract them with the wormhole and exfil via material container.
  • Mission 19 On the Trail - Go directly to the Majors location, south of guard post 13. You can use DD to locate him, Extract him and exfil at the nearby LZ.
  • Mission 20 Voices - Head straight for guard post 17 and sneak your way to Ngumba Industrial Zone. Lure the Man on Fire near the pool of water and place a C4 on the nearby propane tank, once he walks by the C4 set it off to launch him into the water.
  • Mission 21 The War Economy - Make your way to the hangar with the truck next to the main building in Nova Braga Airport. Carefully knock out the 2 walker gears patrolling the area. Bring DD so you can see when they are approaching the hangar. Tranq and extract both of them then exfil via material container.
  • Mission 22 Retake the Platform - To make this easier don't add more platforms to R&D Platform until after this mission.
  • Mission 23 The White Mamba - Extract Eli and exfil in under 10 minutes.
  • Mission 24 Close Contact - Extract both prisoners from guard post 20 and exfil in under 10 minutes.
  • Mission 25 Aim True Ye Vengeful - Tranq the commander then place him and the xo in a jeep and drive out of the hot zone.
  • Mission 26 Hunting Down - Deploy with D-Horse and a lethal sniper. Quickly snipe the target and ride out of the hotzone.
  • Mission 27 Root Cause - Bring DD and run along the right side of the guard post. You should see the prisoner heading towards the truck. Stop him quickly or he will crash. Tranq the nearby guard. Place the agent in the passenger side of the truck and drive out of the hotzone.
  • Mission 28 Code Talker - Sneak through the jungle to reach the mansion, enter through the front door and head to the left to reach the basement. Skip the cutscene, grab Code Talker and run back through the jungle to the LZ where you deployed and exfil.
  • Mission 29 Metallic Archaea - Bring Quiet with the Sinful butterfly and bring your best rocket launcher to defeat the skulls as quickly as possible.
  • Mission 30 Skull Face - Bring D Walker with fully upgraded armour and wear a battle dress. Use D Walker to drive quickly through the gates to reach the stair case and run up them as fast as possible to reach Skull Face.
  • Mission 31 Sahelanthropus - Bring your best rocket launcher and a battle dress, optionally a grenade launcher. Focus your attacks on it's head.
  • Mission 32 To Know Too Much - Bring DD and go to the east of Da Shago Kallai, grab the agent and exfil at the nearest LZ.
  • Mission 33 Subsistence C2W - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 4 is applicable.
  • Mission 34 Extreme Back Up, Back Down - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 9 is applicable.
  • Mission 35 Cursed Legacy - Bring DD and sleep grenades. Use DD to find the containers quickly, put the guards to sleep and exfil via the second container.
  • Mission 36 Total Stealth Footprints of Phantoms - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 15 is applicable. The only difference is if you get spotted the mission is failed and needs to be restarted.
  • Mission 37 Extreme Traitors Caravan - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 16 is applicable.
  • Mission 38 Extraordinary - Find the Film canister and exfil in under 5 minutes.
  • Mission 39 Total Stealth Over the Fence - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 5 is applicable. The only difference is if you get spotted the mission is failed and needs to be restarted.
  • Mission 40 Extreme Cloaked in Silence - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 11 is applicable.
  • Mission 41 Proxy War Without End - It must be completed under 10 minutes. Bring a CGM to destroy the chopper.
  • Mission 42 Extreme Metallic Archaea - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 29 is applicable.
  • Mission 44 Total Stealth Pitch Dark - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 13 is applicable. The only difference is if you get spotted the mission is failed and needs to be restarted.
  • Mission 45 A Quiet Exit - Bring a level 3 CGM and level 3 battle dress. Hide behind structures to avoid missiles and complete the mission in under 15 minutes, be sure to skip cutscenes.
  • Mission 46 Truth - The Man Who Sold the World - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from the prologue is applicable.
  • Mission 47 Total Stealth The War Economy - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 21 is applicable. The only difference is if you get spotted the mission is failed and needs to be restarted.
  • Mission 48 Extreme Code Talker - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 28 is applicable.
  • Mission 49 Subsistence Occupation Forces - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 8 is applicable.
  • Mission 50 Extreme Sahelanthropus - This is a duplicate mission, the strategy from mission 31 is applicable.

Complete any side op.


D-Dog is the best buddy for these as he can reveal all mines to you on your map. These are Side Op 83-92.


You must Complete all the main missions at least once to unlock all side ops. Some side ops are unlocked by completing the available ones.

  • Side Op 1-4 Extract the Interpreter  (Russian, Pashto, Afrikaans, Kikongo)
  • Side Op 5-10 Secure the Blueprint ([RIOT SMG], [STUN ARM], [IR-SENSOR], [ANTITHEFT DEVICE], [GUN-CAM DEFENDER], [UA-DRONE])
  • Side Op 11-26 Extract the Highly Skilled Soldier
  • Side Op 27-46 Extract the Prisoner
  • Side Op 47 Extract the Little Lost Sheep
  • Side Op 48 Capture the Legendary Brown Bear
  • Side Op 49 Capture the Legendary Ibis
  • Side Op 50 Capture the Legendary jackal
  • Side Op 51-60 Extract the Wandering Mother Base Soldier
  • Side Op 61-65 Unlucky Dog
  • Side Op 66-81 Eliminate the Heavy Infantry
  • Side Op 82 Make Contact with Emmerich
  • Side Op 83-92 Mine Clearing
  • Side Op 93-106 Eliminate the Armoured Vehicle Unit
  • Side Op 107-109 Extract the Legendary Gunsmith
  • Side Op 110 Extract the Materials Container
  • Side Op 111 Visit Quiet
  • Side Op 112 Intel Agent Extraction
  • Side Op 113 Eli's Challenge
  • Side Op 114-127 Eliminate the Tank Unit
  • Side Op 128-142 Eliminate the Wandering Soldiers
  • Side Op 143 Extract the AI Pod
  • Side Op 144 Secure the Remains of the Man on Fire 
  • Side Op 145-149 Search for the Escaped Children
  • Side Op 150 Secure Quiet
  • Side Op 151-157 Target Practice (Command Platform, R&D Platform, Support Unit Platform, Base Development Platform, Intel Team Platform, Medical platform, Combat Unit Platform)


Captured any guard post or outpost during Phantom Limbs.


The Key Dispatch Missions are marked by a yellow dot. However the final mission cannot be completed until Huey completes the Battle Gear.


To start invading FOBs you must first complete mission 22. Choose an FOB and deploy, once you enter the wormhole and when you are on the platform the trophy should pop and you can then abort the infiltration,

Cry Havoc

After completing Mission 4 C2W, you can find D-Dog North of Spugmay Keep and Southeast of guard post 23, Fulton the puppy back to Mother Base.  Keep doing missions and Ocelot will update you on his growth and training.


Complete Mission 11 Cloaked in Slience and bring Quiet back to Mother Base. Complete some missions until you unlock side op 111, complete this and she will be available for deployment.

Trusty Steed

This should come naturally as you play since D-Horse is the first buddy you have access too and is very useful. Complete missions with D-Horse as your buddy and don't let him get hurt.

Man's Best Friend

Complete missions with D-Dog as your buddy, prevent him from getting hurt, give him orders, praise him and pet him occasionally.

War Buddy

Complete missions with Quiet as your buddy, have her scout guard posts and outposts for you, order her to take down enemies for you (might be best to wait until you get her non-lethal sniper) and pick up supply drops she leaves for you. You can also visit her cell on the medical platform.


Starting out feel free to Fulton any soldier you come across to build your ranks but late game only extract soldiers with at minimum an A+ stat. You will run out of space quickly especially if you are not building FOB platforms.


Before you can interrogate a soldier you must Complete Side Op 1 to extract the Russian interpreter. There are 2 ways of doing this, first you slowly sneak up then hold them up by aiming your weapon or you can tranq them the wake them up and hold them up that way.

To The Rescue

The earliest female prisoner in the game I can think of is in Mission 9 Back Up Back Down. She is wandering the desert south of Lamar Khaate Palace.


Fulton every soldier you come across in early game.


In order to do this you must build more platforms on Mother Base to increase staff capacity.


Miller will automatically assign units based on their best skill and dismiss staff when you reach capacity. Late game you'll only want to extract A+ staff, you can also do deployment missions for a chance at staff members.


Develop everything as soon it becomes available.


You can develop upgrades for your helicopter and buddy equipment, not just guns and other personal equipment.

Locked and Loaded

At this point you will likely need staff with specific skills, if you go to a mission debriefing it shows what skills prisoners in the mission have.


This may take a bit of grinding for the necessary materials but if you have an FOB it will automatically mine materials for you.


Developing a nuke costs:

  • 750,000 GMP
  • 75,000 Fuel resources
  • 50,000 Minor Metals
And it takes 24 hours to develop. You must connected online in order to complete the development.


You can disarm the nuke you developed but be quick in case someone steals it from your FOB. If this happens you can steal one or develop another one.


You earn GMP from completing missions, your staff will automatically collect a set amount of GMP, collected Diamonds give GMP and you can do deployment missions for GMP.


Medium and Large animals can be tranq'd and fultoned. Most small animals will need to be captured in cages. You'll see what you caught when returning to the ACC.


Key items are collected in main missions and side ops, by collecting all invoices (these are found on the fast travel locations nearby outposts) and getting all S Ranks. Blueprints are collected in missions and side ops and rewarded from dispatch missions.

Key Items

  • Children's Reward - Complete Mission 18 Blood Runs Deep
  • First Aid Manual - Inside a building in Bwala Ya Masa Village, must be picked up
  • Master Certificate (Marking) - Mark 500 enemies
  • Master Certificate (Box) - Pick up all the invoices in 1 area (Afghanistan or Africa)
  • Master Certificate (Fulton) - Successfully Fulton extract 500 targets
  • Grand Master Certificate (Fulton) - Successfully Fulton extract 1000 targets
  • Conch Shell - Complete Side Op 113 Eli's Challenge
  • Skulls Machete - Complete Mission 29 Metallic Archaea
  • Strangelove's Memento - Complete Side Op 143 Extract the AI Pod
  • Man on Fire (Corpse) - Complete Side Op 144 Secure the Remains of the Man on Fire
  • Quiet's Examination Report - Complete Mission 40 [Extreme] Cloaked in Silence
  • Handkerchief  - Complete Mission 40 [Extreme] Cloaked in Silence
  • Emmerich's Research Notes - Recieved after exiling Huey
  • Codename: Big Boss - Complete Mission 46 Truth
  • Master Certificate (Standard) - Complete all missions (excluding duplicates)
  • Grand Master Certificate (Standard) - Complete all missions (excluding duplicates) with an S Rank
  • Master Certificate (Elite) - Complete all duplicate missions
  • Grand Master Certificate (Elite) - Complete all duplicate missions with S Rank
  • Star of Bethlehem - Complete Mission 46 Truth
  • [GEIST P3] Blueprint - Complete Dispatch mission Break Through the Blockade Force
  • [WU S333] Blueprint - Complete Dispatch mission Restore the DM2
  • [URAGAN-5] Blueprint - Bampeve Plantation, Can be easily collected during Mission  Blood Runs Deep
  • [ZORN-KP] Complet Dispatch Mission Defend the Pipeline
  • [RIOT SMG] The objective of Side Op 5
  • [ZE'EV] Complete Dispatch Mission Search and Destroy Remaining Forces
  • [MACHT 37] Dropped by helicopter in Mission 21 The War Economy
  • [UN-ARC] Wakh Sind Barracks during Mission 5 Over the Fence
  • [G44] Found in Ditadi Abandoned Village
  • [KABARGA-83] Found in Mfinda Oilfield 
  • [BULLHORN SG] Complete Dispatch Mission Prevent the Coup D'etat
  • [ISANDO RGL-220] Guard Post #7 (West of Kungenga Mine) or Guard Post #19 (Northwest of Munoko Ya Nioka Station)
  • [HAIL MGR-4] Complete Dispatch Mission Destroy the Uranium Centrifuges
  • [BAMBETOV SV] Afghanistan Central Base Camp during Mission 12 Hellbound
  • [AM MRS-71] Complete Dispatch Mission Destroy the New Fighter Aircraft
  • [BRENNAN LRS-46] Lufwa Valley during Mission 28 Code Talker
  • [UN-AMM] Guard Post #1 (Northwest of Kiziba Camp)
  • [LPG-61] Complete Dispatch Mission Recapture the Port Facilities
  • [FB MR R-LAUNCHER] Complete Dispatch Mission Liberate the Tanker
  • [PB SHIELD] Da Wiallo Kallai or Da Gwandhai Khar during Mission 7 Red Brass
  • [STUN GRENADE] Kiziba Camp
  • [STUN ARM] Objective of Side Op 6
  • [FLAMETHROWER] Dropped by the helicopter in Mission 47 [Total Stealth] The War Economy
  • [IR-SENSOR] Objective of Side Op 7
  • [ANTITHEFT DEVICE] Objective of Side Op 8
  • [GUN-CAN DEFENDER] Objective of Side Op 9
  • [UA-DRONE] Objective of Side Op 10


10 of them are received from Wandering Mother Base Soldiers side ops 51-60. The final photo is found on the wall in the hall that leads to Paz's room on the medical platform.


You need to reach 150,000 Heroism and complete Mission 31 Sahelanthropus.

Image Credit

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