Monday, January 18, 2021

Dead by Daylight ~ 100% Guide PS4 and PS5

Quick Overview

DBD is a 1 v 4 horror pvp game. What makes it distinct is that the kilrdler plays in first person while survivors play in third person. All DLC can be purchased in bundles. Licensed can only be purchased with real money while original characters can be purchased individually for 9k iridescent shards each. Shards are earned by leveling up, by reaching 100 you automatically gain a devotion level increasing the amount of shards gained on level up. Beyond the hard trophies a lot of them are very grindy.

Completing Tome challenges will award a significant amount of blood points.

Boosting Note:

In it's current state it is boostable though it very difficult to do so without a VPN. It requires 2 hosts in the same matchmaking region (NA, EU, AU, Etc.), preferably close geographically. If you have 2 people with a VPN you can set your region to Australia as the servers are generally dead. 

The survivor host who is trying to match with the killer should invite the other survivors, who's region doesn't matter. Rank does play a part. The survivors should average out to around the killers rank for higher chance of matching. Both parties must turn off crossplay. Mics are important for communication as only the killer can say if you have found each other.

It is also possible to try messaging PS4/5 survivors to ask for help.

All trophies now autopop and it goes backwards from PS5 to PS4.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Dead by Daylight

The Platinum Trophy

Killer Trophies

The Grand Sacrifice

This shouldn't be too hard at rank 20 as survivors will often commit suicide on first hook. If they DC on hook it still counts.

A bite for the Entity

This will come naturally when going for all the other killer trophies.

A feast for the Entity

This will come naturally when going for all the other killer trophies. Disconnects count as a sacrifice. To make it easier pick a killer your good with and try to get them the following perks via teachables and the bloodweb. Teachables are learned by leveling the respective killer to 30, 35 and 40 or by buying them in the shrine for 2k shards. The shrine is changed once a week.

  • Tinkerer (Hillbilly) when a gen reaches 70% you are notified and gain undetectable status for short period.
  • Nurse's Calling (Nurse) within a certain range you can see a healing survivors aura. Good synergy with Sloppy Butcher.
  • Thanatophobia (Nurse) for every injured survivor they receive a penalty to repair,  sabotaging and totem cleansing.
  • Hex: Ruin (Hag) gens regress without needed to be kicked as long as the hex is active giving you time to deal with survivors. Good synergy with Hex: Undying.
  • Hex: The Third Seal (Hag) causes blindness to the last 3 survivors hit with a basic attack as long as the hex is active.. This prevents survivors from seeing auras, useful fot stopping unhooks. Good synergy with Hex: Undying.
  • Overcharge (Doctor) a kicked gen has a very hard skill check for the next survivor to interact with it. Falling has a small chance of progress loss.
  • Hex: Huntress Lullaby (Huntress) as long as the hex is active for every failed skill check there is a small progression loss. Each time a survivor is hooked it gains a token up to 5, for each token skill check notifications becomes shorter (are gone at 5) and skill checks happen more often.
  • Barbecue & Chili (Cannibal) after hooking a survivor auras of all other survivors who are 40 metres or more away from the hook are revealed to you for a few seconds. Counterable by hiding in a locker.
  • Fire Up (Nightmare) for each gen completed you gain a permanent speed boost to picking up, vaulting, damaging gens and breaking pallets.
  • Remember Me (Nightmare) for every basic attack on your obsession it increases the time needed to open the gates up to a maximum of 16 secs at tier 3.
  • Surveillance (Pig) if a regressing gen (highlighted in white) is repaired it will be highlighted in yellow for a few secs. Repairs can also be heard further away.
  • Pop Goes the Weasel (Clown) after hooking a survivor you have a short time to kick a gen causing it regress by 25%.
  • Discordance (Legion) when 2 or more survivors are working on a gen within in range you get an audio cue and the gen is highlighted in yellow. If the survivors leave the aura stays for a few seconds.
  • Corrupt Intervention (Plague) at the start match 3 gens furthest from you are blocked for up to 120 seconds at tier 3.
  • Infectious Fright (Plague) when putting a survivors into a dying state any survivors within your terror radius scream revealing their location. Good synergy with Monitor and Abuse (Doctor) and Distressing.
  • Thrilling Tremors (Ghost Face) after picking up a survivor all gens not being actively repaired are blocked for a short period and are highlighted in white.
  • Surge (Demogorgon) putting a survivor into the dying state with a basic attack causes all nearby gens to explode and regress automatically and lose a small amount of progress. Requires a cooldown.
  • Forced Penance (Executioner) any survivor who takens a protection hit (must be full health next an injured survivor, next to a recently unhooked survivor, while you are carrying a survivor) will be afflicted with broken status (injured and unable to heal) for a set duration.
  • Hex: Undying (Blight) as long as this hex is active and there is a dull totem remaining on the map any cleansed hex will transfer to a dull totem but lose any tokens.
  • Oppression (Twins) when you damage a gen up to 3 other random gens begin regressing. If being repaired the survivors get a very hard skill check.
  • Fearmonger (Universal, Formerly Mindbreaker from Demogorgon) causes fatigue and blindness while repairing a generator. Good counter to Dead Hard, Adrenaline and aura reading perks.

Blood on your hands

There are a few options for this. I will explain them. 

Rancor is a Spirit perk, it allows you to kill your obsession once all gens have been completed. 

The Pig's helmets if not removed in time or if a survivor tries to escape while it is active will kill them. 

Devour Hope is a hex totem from Hag. When a survivor is rescued at least 24 metres away Devour Hope gains a token. At 5 tokens you can kill survivors. 

Tombstone Piece or Judith's Tombstone add on for the Shape. Both require you to be in Tier 3.

Final Judgement by the Executioner. A survivor on last hook that is affected by torment can killed instead of caging them.

And the easiest and most accessible method is a memento mori. A memento mori allows you to kill a survivor after 2 hooks. There are 3 kinds. 

Cypress which allows you to kill the last remaining survivor in the trial.

Ivory which allows you kill 1 survivor after 2nd hook.

Ebony allows you to kill all 4 survivors after 2nd hook.

Blood on your face

For efficiencies sake this is best done in conjunction with Evil Incarnate.

Blood in your mouth

Please see Blood on your hands.

Perfect Killing

Turn off crossplay and message the randoms to farm. 

Apt Killer

You must reach level 15, equip 4 perks, 2 add-ons and an offering then start a match.

Gifts for the Fog

There is only one ultra rare offering and that is the ebony memento mori for killers. It usually starts popping up in the blood web at level 20+.

Cripple them all

The description is slightly misleading. You must grab them out of the bear trap with R1 for it to count.

Jump scares

You'll get at least some progress going for the adept. The time is very forgiving so this is pretty easy. You'll notice a surprise hit event on the left of your screen, this is means you were successful.

The Grind

This can be rather difficult as Billy's chainsaw is hard to control. Might want to try boosting this. Message survivors asking to farm.

In the void she walks

Unless your really good at lethal blinks it is highly suggested to farm this with randoms or with a boosting group.

In the void she kills

Highly suggest boosting this asis requires an ultra rare add-on. You'll get the torn bookmark around level 25. It's possible to try to get a random to help but bring a black ward just in case.


Super Easy, you will probably get this on the road to her adept. They only need to trigger the traps you DO NOT to teleport for them to count. Place them in commonly traversed areas, at pallets, by gens, around the killer shack, etc.

Even Punishment

This can be tricky, especially if your not good with hag. Try boosting it with randoms.

Shocking Treatment

Extremely easy to farm. Especially if you don't try to hit the survivors, they usually realize your trying to farm and stand still.

Mad House

Extremely easy. Use your static blast when it's charged and focus on individual survivors with shock therapy. You'll know they've hit tier 3 when they crouch down holding their head trying to snap out of it. They will also have progressive static on their picture in the bottom left.

Killer Adepts

At low ranks 2 gold and 2 iridescent emblems should be enough to achieve merciless. You must get each killer to level 10 to unlock 3 perk slots.

Kicking gens and keeping them from completing the gens within 9 minutes will give the max amount of points for Gatekeeper. 

Getting 9 hooks minimum gives the max amount for devout. Kills by your hand count for devout as well.

For chases each hit counts as a chase won. Try not to kill them too quickly or you will not get enough chase points for Chaser.

And your final emblem gains points for successful hits and for each successful hook for Malicious. You lose a point for a healed survivor and a wiggle out

Adept Trapper

Trappers ability and perks are definitely some of the worst perks killer wise and his ability is weak because it takes time to set up. The best thing you probably do is try to get a survivor in the basement and trap the building and surrounding area. Set traps at vaults and pallets. His perks are Unnerving Presence, Brutal Strength and Agitation.

Adept Wraith

Although his perks are not great his cloaking ability is fairly strong as it removes his terror radius and makes him almost invisible to survivors. He also has some decent add ons. His perks are Predator, Bloodhound and Shadowborn.

Adept Hillbilly

Billy's chainsaw can be quite challenging to control and it's not recommended to be used to down healthy survivors as you will get less chase/malicious points. His perks are actually pretty good. His perks are Enduring, Lightborn and Tinkerer.

Adept Nurse

By far the most difficult killer to use. She is the slowest because of her blink ability, she has an add on to make her faster but sacrifices her ability to blink through objects. This will probably take practice, so boost this if possible. She actually has some of the best perks in the game. Her perks are Stridor, Thanatophobia and Nurse's Calling.

Adept Hag

She's not too hard to play, she's a bit like trapper but with better perks. Her perks are Hex: The Third Seal, Hex: Ruin and Hex: Devour Hope. 

Adept Doctor

By far one of the easiest killers. His perks are Unnerving Presence, Monitor and Abuse and Overcharge.

Survivor Trophies

Escape Artist

Either use Slippery Meat and bring a luck offering or use Deliverance (requires a safe unhook before your first hook) from Adam Francis.

Made it out alive!

Should happen naturally.

Agonizing Escape

Stay close to the exit inside the gates and wait for the killer so he can downyou on the way out. If you are close enough he will knock you into the exit.

Backdoor Escape

Hatch spawn was changed to only appear when 1 survivor remains in the match.

Sometimes if you don't struggle as last survivor some killers may feel merciful and drop you on the hatch. This will also give you Outrun Evil.

The Key to Escape

You need a Dull or Skeleton key. Bring an offering to spawn the hatch in the killer shack or in the main building if the map has one. This will likely take multiple tries as killers will usually bring a mori when they see a key. Beware of Franklin's Demise (Cannibal perk) as a basic attack will make you drop your item (indicated by a debuff of a hand dropping a flashlight). 

Note: This is formally Where did they go?! Keys were changed making it unobtainable so the requirements were updated. It now takes some time to open the hatch after it was closed.

I've got your back

Unhook 50 survivors, should come naturally.

No one left behind

Might be easier if playing with a friend as they can let themself get hooked after the gate has been opened.


Should come naturally.


Should come naturally.

Nerves of steel

Should come naturally.

Perfect  Escape

You might get lucky and encounter a farming killer.

Apt Survivor

You must reach level 15, equip 4 perks, an item with 2 add-ons and an offering then start a match.

Risk it all

Bring a pink add-on on any item or a skeleton key. A ward is an offering that looks like a hand, it is green or purple.

Survival Treasures

Find a chest and escape with the item you find inside. Beware of Franklin's Demise (Cannibal perk) as a basic attack will make you drop your item (indicated by a debuff of a hand dropping a flashlight).


Have a friend bring a common item to drop by holding circle or pick up a item you find by a hook as these are most likely dropped by a survivor who brought it with them. Beware of Franklin's Demise (Cannibal perk) as a basic attack will make you drop your item (indicated by a debuff of a hand dropping a flashlight).

Deep Cleansing

Hex totems come in 2 forms lit and unlit. Your looking for the lit ones. You can use small game to make finding them easier as it gives an audio when looking in the direction of one within range.


This should could naturally.


This should come naturally.


The map offering for Crotus Penn Asylum - Disturbed Ward is the Charred Wedding Photograph. Try to avoid the killer as best you can, if you hear the terror radius crouch and hide. Hide in a locker when you see a survivor go down more than 40m away in case of BBQ and Chili. You may want to boost this one if possible.

Shock Therapy

The map offering for Crotus Penn Asylum - Disturbed Ward is the Charred Wedding Photograph. The generator you want is on the on the 2nd floor of the asylum in the very middle room.

All Aboard

The map offering for Rosewater Swamp - Pale Rose is Grandma's Cookbook. The generator you want is on the bow of the steamboat.

Adept Jake

Jake's perks are alright so this shouldn't be too difficult. His perks are Iron Will, Calm Spirit and Saboteur.

Adept Dwight

Dwight's perks are alright so this shouldn't be too difficult. His perks are Bond, Prove Thyself and Leader.

Adept Claudette

Claudette's perks are very good and she's know as blendette for her knack of hiding well. Her perks are Empathy, Botany Knowledge and Self-Care.

Adept Meg

Meg's perks are decent so this shouldn't be too hard. Her perks are Quick and Quiet, Sprint Burst and Adrenaline. 

Adept Nea

Nea's perks are decent so this shouldn't be too hard. Her perks are Balanced Landing, Urban Evasion and Streetwise.

Adept Ace

Ace's perks are decent so this shouldn't be too hard. His perks are Open-Handed, Up the Ante and Ace in the Hole.

Adept Min

Feng's perks are decent so this shouldn't be too hard. Her perks are Technician, Lithe and Alert.



Easy enough if you get a farming killer. Even easier as killer.

It wakes

Will come naturally when going for prestige 3.

Not half bad

Will come naturally when going for prestige 3.

Bloody Millionare

You will get this just by playing. To speed it up do tome challenges in the archives for easy bloodpoint rewards. You can do your daily ritual for a bonus. The devs will sometimes give away bloodpoints bonuses for various reasons (Halloween, Christmas, etc.) They sometimes give out codes on their official twitter and discord that can be redeemed in the in game store.


To level perks you must buy them in the blood web. They start at tier 1 (yellow), and go to tier 2 (green) and finally tier 3 (purple). You can buy tier 2 and 3 of the default perks for this. Keep in mind the blood web is random. And once you reach level 10 the entity will show up and start eating the perk you don't buy.


Once you reach level 50 hold X on the middle of the blood web. For bloodpoints see Bloody Millionare.


See Bloody Millionare.


See Bloody Millionare.


See Bloody Millionare.

The Halloween Chapter

Quick Overview

This is a licensed DLC based on the Halloween franchise and cannot be bought with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

The Man Behind the Bush

Extremely easy. Once you get his other trophies you can simply be a friendly killer and stalk the survivors or work towards a feast for the entity. However each survivor has a limited amount of stalk juice. Once they start to glow red you can no longer gain stalk from them.

Evil Incarnate

This in the hardest trophy of this DLC, it is highly recommended to boost this. To do this you will need 2 iridescent add ons, Judith's Tombstone and Fragrant Tuft of Hair. You will need to fully stalk 3 survivors to reach tier 3 but it will last for the duration of the match. If attempting this without boosting bring a Black Ward in case you fail or a survivor DCs before you can kill them. If they DC during the animation it still counts.

Adept Shape

Michael's perks are alright, they are all based on the obsession so try to keep them alive as long as possible. His perks are Save the Best for Last, Play with your Food  and Dying Light.

Item of Obsession

The second hardest trophy of this DLC. To increase your chances of being the obession use Laurie's 3 perks. You must not be hit even once and be the last to escape, if anyone dies it's fine. Highly recommended to boost this and try to pair it with hemophobia.

House of Paine

The map offering is Strode Realty Key. The generator is in Michael's house which is identified by a Jack-o-Lantern on the front porch.

Adept Laurie

Laurie's one perk may make this a bit challenging, Object of Obsession let's you see the killer's aura when looking in his direction but he can also see your aura. Her perk's are Sole Survivor, Object of Obsession and Decisive Strike.

The Lullaby for the Dark Chapter

Quick Overview

This is a free DLC that can be bought and downloaded from the Playstation Store.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Swirling Death

This may or may not happen naturally. If it doesn't simply stand by a locker and throw hatchets.

Skilled Huntress

This is difficult and time consuming to do legitimately. There isn't a proper way to tell 24m other then deerstalker or nurse's calling tier 2. It's best to boost this as it can be done in a single session. You can also try messaging randoms but this will likely take multiple sessions.

Adept Huntress

Huntress' perks are alright, keep a close eye on your hex and practice with her hatchets. Her perks are Beast of Prey, Territorial Imperitive and Hex: Huntress Lullaby.

Cottage Owner

The Map Offering is The Last Mask. The generator you want is located on the 2nd floor balcony of the main building.


You'll get this when going for your David Adept.

Adept David

David has one of the best and one of the worst perks in the game. No Mither allows you to pick yourself up infinitely but you are visibly broken. His perks are We're Gonna Live Forever, Dead Hard and No Mither.

Leatherface DLC

Quick Overview

This is a licensed DLC based on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise and cannot be bought with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Onlined/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.


You can use the speed limiter add on to double your progress towards this by making the chainsaw a 2-hit down.

Texas BBQ

Reported to be glitched and not tracking progress by meeting the requirements. Some have said that hooking 3 different survivors in the same match gave them progress but even that isn't working now.

Adept Cannibal

Should be easy as Bubba's perks are really good. His perks are Knockout, BBQ and Chili and Franklin's Demise.

Winter Solstice DLC

Quick Overview

This is a free DLC update.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Holiday Get-Together

This may be difficult on larger maps and depending on the location of the basement. Territorial Imperative would be helpful for this.

Milk 'n' Cookies

Reported to be glitched and only counting progress on 2 maps, Dead Dawg Saloon and Midwich Elementary. Their map offerings are Dusty Noose and Mary's Letter. Élodie's perk Appraisal can give extra search towards this.

Happy Holidays

Should happen naturally as you work towards III-50.

Saw Chapter

Quick Overview

This is a licensed DLC based on the Saw franchise and cannot be bought with shards. 

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

I Want to Play a Game

May or may not happen naturally. You can work on this while going for a feast for the entity.

Game Over

This should happen naturally.

Adept Pig

Amanda's perks actually aren't half bad so this shouldn't be too hard. 

Near-Death Experience

Reported to be glitched. The workaround is only one survivor can downed the whole match but this gives all survivors progress. May want to boost this if possible.

Cherish your Life

The map offering is Jigsaw Piece. Unfortunately this map is large and confusing so do your best, if it comes to it the hatch always spawns on the first floor. The generator you want is in the bathroom on the first floor, it's always next to the basement with 2 pallets. On the second floor there are 2 small side rooms coloured red and green, in the back of this room is a hole which drops directly into the bathroom.

Adept Tapp

Tapp's perks are not actually not bad so this shouldn't be too hard. His perks are Tenacity, Detective's Hunch and Stake out.

Curtain Call Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and both characters can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Party Crasher

Tracking is reported to be glitched and you need to do 200 instead of 100. Should come naturally if you don't rely on Hex: Ruin. There are several perks to compliment this, here are just a few: Pop Goes the Weasel (Clown), Overcharge (Doctor) and Oppression (Twins). You can also message randoms to farm.


Not hard just very grindy. Recommended to message randoms to farm.

Adept Clown

Clown's perks are not bad he just seems slow. He's getting buffed soon. His perks are Bamboobzle, Coulrophobia and Pop Goes the Weasel.

Campbell's Chapel Legacy

The map offering is the Charred Wedding Photographer. The generator you want is in the 2nd floor of the chapel.

Whiffing to Success

There is an exploitable glitch. You can get progress even if you are not the one being chased. The easiest way is when you see the obession being chased (the spiders legs wiggle) fast vault over a pallet repeatedly.

Adept Kate

Kate's perks aren't great but this shouldn't be too hard. Her perks are Dance With Me, Window of Opportunity and Boil Over.

Shattered Bloodlines Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and both characters can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.


This should happen naturally.


Only attempt this on an injured survivor. When you enter the spirit world you cannot see the survivors, but you can hear them and see their blood trails and scratch marks. You will get a grudge event if you were successful.

Adept Spirit

Spirit is one of the best killers so this shouldn't be too hard. Her perks are Spirit Fury, Hex: Haunted Ground and Rancor.

Ancestor's Rite

The map offering is Yamaoka Family Crest. The generator you want in the main building, it's always in the same room.

Not Today

Easy enough with Deliverance but possible with Slippery Meat if you do not own Adam or his teachable.

Adept Adam

Adam's only viable is deliverance but diversion is getting buffed. His perks are Diversion, Deliverance and Autodidact.

Darkness Among Us Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and both characters can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Heavy Burden

Should happen naturally. Survive with friends groups will usually run around you in an attempt to distract you and give the carried survivor more wiggle time.

Deranged Pursuit

Normally you want your frenzy to last awhile as it lets you sense other nearby survivors and gives a significant speed boost, but for the trophy you should cancel it after hitting a survivor.

Adept Legion

Legion's perks are ok but his powers are pretty strong. Their perks are Discordance, Mad Grit and Iron Maiden.


Easily done with Jake's Saboteur and hooks can dismantled multiple times.

Unforgettable Getaway

The map offering is Damaged Photo. The generator you want is in the middle of the chalet.

Adept Jeff

Jeff's perks are ok and he is one of the loudest survivors. His perks are Breakdown, Aftercare and Distortion.

Demise of the Faithful Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and both characters can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.


Devoted Gatekeeping

Should happen naturally on the road for Feast for the Entity.

Terminal Illness

Use add ons to speed up the infection progress to make it easier.

Adept Plague

Plague's perks are good but her powers suck. Her perks are Corrupt Intervention, Infectious Fright and Dark Devotion.

Wounded Healer

Should happen naturally. To make it easier use Empathy.

Shrine Apparatus

The map offering is The Last Mask. The generator you want is in the basement of the shrine in the center.

Adept Jane

Jane's perks are ok but she is quite loud. Her perks are Solidarity, Poised and Head On.

Ash vs Evil Dead DLC

Quick Overview

This is a licensed DLC based on the Evil Dead franchise and cannot be bought with shards. 

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Cutting Out

It's possible just not easy, having a friend with Breakout would help. Boil Over and Flip-Flop will also help. Probably best to boost this.

Outrun Evil

If you're the last one left alive and get caught, don't struggle and the killer may be merciful and drop you on the hatch.

Adept Ash

Ash's perks are ok and he is the second loudest survivor. His perks are Flip-Flop, Buckle Up and Mettle of Man.

Ghost Face DLC

Quick Overview

This is a licensed DLC based on the Ghost Face costume and cannot be bought with shards. 

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Silent Approach

You can get this naturally but it will ta ke time. It is much easier to boost this or farm with randoms. Tap the attack button to grab a survivor. 

Totally Vulnerable 

Somewhat difficult but will come with time, stacks with I See You.

Adept Ghost Face

Ghost Face's perks and his powers are OP when used correctly. His perks are I'm All Ears, Thrilling Tremors and Furtive Chase.

Left Behind DLC

Quick Overview

This is a free DLC update.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Taking One For The Team

This trophy is long and grindy. Borrowed Time and Self-Care are reccomended.

Left For Dead

The chances of getting this are extremely low unless in a coordinated 4 squad. It is best to boost this.

Adept Bill

Bill has some of the best survivor perks but he is the loudest survivor. His perks are Left Behind, Borrowed Time and Unbreakable. 

Chapter XIII

Quick Overview

This DLC was based on the Stranger Things franchise however the license was revoked so the trophies and the perks have been changed to be generic.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.


The hatch opens when there is one survivor remaning or when a survivor uses a key. The hatch makes a distinct audio cue when close by, you might hear it before you see it.

First to the Punch

This should be easy and may come naturally.  When they are injured and going for a pallet try to time a lunge so that you down them next to the pallet.

Tools of the Trade

Good perks are Spies from the Shadows, Bitter Murmur and Whispers.

Operation: Survival

The map offering is Broken Glasses. The generator you want is in the middle of the map, in the room with the sparking monitors.

Expert Generalist

Good perks are Kindred, Inner Healing (Formally Inner Strength) Small Game (for totems), We'll Make It, Deja Vu.

Skilled Generalist

Please see above.

Cursed Legacy Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and both characters can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Broken Bodies

Should come naturally on the road to A Feast for the Entity. Sloppy Butcher, Franklin's Demise and The Third Seal should make this easier.


I think you are intended to use Demon Fury but this can be difficult to land, not sure if basic attacks count. May want to boost this.

Adept Oni

Oni's perks are not bad but his powers may take time to learn to use effectively. His perks are Zanshin Tactics, Blood Echo and Nemesis.

Grim Pilgrimage

The map offering is Yamaoka Family Crest. The generator you want is on the top of the shrine in the middle.


This one seems a bit glitchy, it only counts protection hits taken at full health. Using Self-Care, take a hit, run away and heal. Rinse and repeat.

Adept Yui

Her perks are ok, this shouldn't be too hard. Her perks are Lucky Break, Any Means Necessary and Breakout.

Chains or Hate Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and both characters can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Bound and Downed

Injure them with a basic attack first. The harpoon itself has decent range and is best used in an open area. When you hook them walk toward them as you reel them in, when you get close enough hit them. If you hook them but they somehow break free they will receive deep wounds, giving you a second chance.

Quick Draw

This can be quite difficult as totems are randomly placed and hard to track. Hex: Undying will let you see the aura of survivors cleansing Dull Totems. Best to boost/farm this. Tap the attack button to grab a survivor.

Adept Deathslinger

Deathslinger's perks are decent so this shouldn't be too hard. His perks are Gearhead, Dead Man's Switch and Hex: Retribution.

Old Oasis

The map offering is Dusty Noose. The generator you want is on the 2nd floor balcony of the saloon, this can be tricky as you are highly visible to the killer.

Selfless Survival

This can be tricky, depending on the killer they may or may not slug. Having Bontany will make this easier. If playing with friends have them use Unbreakable/Tenacity.

Adept Zarina

Zarina's perks are ok, this shouldn't be too hard. Her perks are Off the Record, Red Herring and For the People.

Silent Hill Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC and cannot be bought with shards. 

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Cleansed in Agony

This depends on survivors to make mistakes. Your trail only stays for a short time so place it during a chase, especially if you're being looped. It's also possible to down a survivor, make a circle and let them wiggle out. You can cage each survivor twice.

Death of Ignorance

You'll get this easily as Freddy, survivors in the dream world suffer from oblivious status. Other options are:

  • Nemesis (Oni)

  • Hex: Retribution (Deathslinger)

  • Deathbound (Executioner)

  • Demogorgon's Of the Abyss

  • The Twins' Blood Bond

Adept Executioner

Pyramid Head's perks are good, this shouldn't be too hard. His perks are Forced Penance, Trail of Torment and Deathbound.

Classy Act

The map offering is Mary's Letter. Both rooms are on the 2nd floor, the hatch always  spawns on the 1st floor. The map is heavily based on the map of Midwich Elementary from Silent Hill (PS1), the roof is inaccessible and the basement has been remodeled. There is also an easter egg for repairing both of these generators .

Healthy Obsession

This should happen naturally.

Adept Cheryl

Cheryl's perks are ok, this shouldn't be too hard.

Descend Beyond Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and both characters can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Speed Kills

Blight's powers, much like Nurse's, are difficult to use. You're better off boosting/farming this.

I See You

This stacks with Totally Vulnerable. Other options are:

  • Hex: Devour Hope (Hag)

  • Hex: No One Escapes Death aka Noed

  • Make Your Choice (Pig)

  • Hex: Haunted Ground (Spirit)

  • Rancor (Spirit)

  • Iron Maiden (Legion)

  • Dragon's Grip (Blight)

  • Michael Myers Tier III

Adept Blight

Blight's perks are decent and thankfully his powers are not needed unlike Nurse, this shouldn't be too hard. His perks are Dragon's Grip, Hex: Blood Favour and Hex: Undying.

Every Last Drop

This will happen naturally as long as you bring a common (Brown) item and open any chests you find. Felix's perk Every Last Drop will make this go faster.


This should happen naturally.

Adept Felix

Felix's perks are good, this should be easy. His perks are Visionary, Desperate Measures and Built to Last.

A Binding of Kin Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and both characters can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Tag Team

This can be tricky, you must be close by or they will struggle free and crush Victor.

End of Days

Easiest way is idle with Fired Up, Blood Warden and Hex: No One Escapes Death. Down someone near a gate once the last gen is done, open the gate then pick up and hook the survivor. Thanks to Blood Warden the exit will temporarily be blocked and you can see the auras of survivors in the exit gates.

Adept Twins

The Twins perks are decent, this shouldn't be too hard. Their perks are Hoarder, Oppression and Coup De Grâce.

Rescue Mission

The chances of getting this in regular play are slim to none. It's possible to save yourself with Power Struggle, with Flip-Flop and Unbreakable combo. Best off boosting/waiting for a farming killer.

Power Moves

This seems difficult at first glance but you can complete a gen in co-op, just make sure you're there from the start. Playing with friends with communication will make this easier.

Adept Élodie

Élodie's perks are ok, this shouldn't be too hard. Her perks are Appraisal, Deception and Power Struggle.

All-Kill Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and both characters can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

One Thousand Cuts

This is a Trickster ability trophy. You start a match with 60 blades, using his Showstopper ability to hit a survivor with blades to fill the laceration meter. When full they lose a health state, this also builds the event meter. His special ability, Main Event, allows him to throw unlimited blades for a short time.


Trickster's perk Starstruck will make this easy. While carrying a survivor, any survivor in your terror radius becomes exposed.

Adept Trickster

His perks are actually pretty good, but I've been told his ability doesn't count towards the chaser emblem.

Insult and Injury

This should come naturally. If you're struggling try hiding next to a pallet and waiting.

Close Shave

This should come naturally. It will be easy if you go against Trickster.

Adept Yun-Jin

Her perks are pretty good so this shouldn't be too hard.

Resident Evil Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC and cannot be bought with shards. 

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Biological Weaponry

If not already contaminated (covered in blue slime), your first tentacle strike/hit from a zombie will cause contamination. Nemesis' tentacle can be tiered up by landing  a tentacle strike on survivors/zombies, tiering up increases the length and allows it to break pallets.

Preemptive Strike

Pretty easy with Lethal Pursuer especially if you are low rank.

Adept Nemesis

Shouldn't be difficult as his perks are good and the zombies can help.

Raccoon City Recruit

The offering is RPD Badge. The gen is located in the Main Lobby. Note: One location is potentially still glitched and doesn't pop the trophy.

Adept Leon

Should be easy as his perks are good. To craft a flashbang, once the perk is lit up, enter a locker and press X. The perk can then be charged again.

Adept Jill

Should be easy as her perks good. However Ruin counters Blast Mine until destroyed.

Hellraiser Chapter

Quick Overview

This is a licensed DLC based on the Hellraiser franchise and cannot be bought with shards. 

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Tear Their Soul Apart

Use the Cenobite's powers to control a possessed chain. A good time to do is when they are on a generator. Insidious would help with this.

Punch Drunk

Easy enough with his perks but even easier as Freddy.

Adept Cenobite

His perks are ok, this shouldn't be too hard.

Hour of the Witch Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and she can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Bless You

Highly dependant on the killer to bring a hex. Small Game can help you find it. Mikaela has 2 Boons, Circle of Healing and Shadow Step. They Both apply to a single totem, you can switch totems at any time. Duplicate boons do not ooverlap.


As long as you are blessing totems each match you will get this naturally.

Adept Mikaela 

Her perks are OP this should be easy.

Portrait of a Murder Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and both characters can be purchased for 9k shards each.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Caws of Death 

They must be close range hits and cannot go through objects.


For this you want to miss the survivor. They will glow red and you will hear a heartbeat.

Note: Legion also has this ability while in frenzy but other killers are not counting towards the trophy at this time.

Adept Artist

Her hex is pretty powerful but can only be applied to clean totems. Shouldn't be too difficult.

With Scars to Show

Should come naturally. One of Jonah's perks will help or even Dead Hard from David.

Flight to Freedom

The map offering is Eye of the Crow. The gen y6u are looking for is located in the large building in the middle of the map.

Adept Jonah

His perks are decent so this should be easy.

Sadako Rising Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC from The Ring Franchise and cannot be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Viral Video

Survivors become condemned when to teleport to a TV nearby them or they are carrying a video tape. Each stack counts towards the the trophy. When they have a red ring you can mori them but if they copy the tape they can continue gaining stacks.

Ghost in the Machine

Sadako can demanifest to become undetectable. But you can also use Wraith, Myers in Tier 1, Pig or Ghostface. 

Your other option is perks which give to any killer via teachables. Tinkerer from Hillbilly, when a gen reaches 70% you gain undetectable status for a short period. Dark Devotion from Plague, when you hit your obsession you transfer your terror radius and become undetectable for a short period. Trail of Torment from Pyramid head, after kicking a gen you become undetectable as long as the gen is regressing, the gen also becomes hilighted.

Adept Onryō

Her perks seem good but her power to mori is counter-productive to getting the adept. Her ability to teleport is similar to Freddy but the cool down is on the tvs. She can also demanist and go invisible similar to Wraith. 

Fleet of Foot

Yoichi has a boon that applies haste when a survivor is within the radiation for 3 secs. A good idea is to combine it with Mikaela's boons so randoms will stay long enough to get the haste effect.


In order to count for the trophy, the survivor must be at least 16m away then run to you to be healed.

Adept Yoichi

His perks are not bad at all, this shouldn't be too hard.

Roots of Dredge Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and can be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Bump in the Night

This is exclusive to the Dredge. At the start of the match you will hear a tone. This signals the nightfall. The nightfall throws the whole map into complete darkness. It's passive and only last for a limited time. You can make it last longer with add-ons ons. Fairy easy just play as normal.

From the Deep

Now this is a very circumstancle trophy as it requires survivors to enter a locker. The Dredge has the ability to teleport to lockers if a survivor is inside you actually pick them up and are able to hook them.

Adept Dredge

Overall his powers can be quite oppressive as he reduces visibility but teleporting can be risky because survivors can lock the lockers making it take longer to exit camosting you precious time.

Outrun the Overlap

This generator is located in is a glowing red room upstairs in the main house. The offering for this map is the Ichourus Loam.

Hiding Seeker

This actually aren't very good skill to learn. I find running past the locker first to leave a trail of scratch marks then walking back to hide without holding the Sprint button works best. This must be done out of sight if the killer during a chase to successfully fool them.

Adept Haddie

Her perks are alright. Shouldn't be hard to get.

Resideny Evil: Project W Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC from Resident Evil Franchise and cannot be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Collision Course

Another highly circumstancle trophy. Your best opportunity is when a survivor is unhooking another survivor. I suggest a perk with the undetectable status so you can hide nearby. Be ready and charge up your attack to slam the rescuer into the survivor just as they are unhooked.

High Speed Pursuit

This is something you'll get naturally while playing killer.

Adept Mastermind

Play some matches with him and learn his abilities and he can be quite oppressive and powerful. Shouldn't be too difficult.

Outbreak Breakout

Your going to need a ton of RPD Badges for this one.

Adept Ada

Her perks alright but still should be too hard.

Adept Rebecca

Her perks are focused on healing her teammate so teamwork is a must.

Forged in the Fog Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an Original DLC can be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Cruelty Loves Company

The Knight can summon guards to patrol a limited area. I suggest placing them around generators and hooked survivors to get the best use out if them.

A Fast Death

The wording is a bit off with this one, but it's the survivor who must have haste. Haste is pretty commonly used but to speed this up you can tunnel survivors off the hook as they get a haste status effect for 6 seconds when unhooked.

Adept Knight

Using his guards effectively should make this fairly easy.

Tools of Torment Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC can be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Thrill of the Chase

To do this you must down a survivor while they are being chased by one of your drones.

Chorus of Chaos

This pretty straightforward and you will get it naturally through play.

Adept Skull Merchant

Her drones when used efficiently should make this easy.

Hack the Mainframe

It is located in the Main building. The map offering is MacMillan's Phalanx Bone.

Adept Thalita

Her perks are alright but shouldn't be too hard.

Adept Renato

His perks are alright but shouldn't be too hard.

End Transmission  Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an original DLC and can be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Slip into the Stream

This can be kinda tricky if survivors are smart. The best setup is to go each gen set a biopod then connect to one and check the others so can scan through them to find a survivor to focus on. You need to focus on them twice, once to place a biopod on them and twice to teleport to them.

Complete the Evolution

You should get this while going for the Singularity's Adept.

Adept Singularity

I found this one quite difficult until I understood how biopods and teleporting works.


This generator is located on the top of the spaceship. The offering is Alien Flora.

One More Step

You get this naturally from killers tunneling you off the hook.

Adept Gabriel

His perks are alright. This shouldn't be too hard.

Nicholas Cage Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC and cannot be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Second act

The easiest way to do is is to use plot twist. But alternate perks are No Mither or Soul Guard.

Make Some Noise

This will happen naturally.

Adept Nicholas

I actually really like his perks, this should be easy.

Alien Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC from the Alien Franchise and cannot be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Terror of LV-426

Overall he's not that hard to play but landing his tail attacks can be difficult.

Disarm and Dismember

Killers with Special Items:

  • Nemesis
  • Pinhead
  • Sadako
  • Albert Wesker
  • The Singularity
  • Alien

Adept Xenomorph
Please see above.

MU/TH/ER Dearest
The offering is Airlock doors.

Kitted Up
Please see the list above.

Adept Ripley
Her perks are alright, so it shouldn't be too hard.

Chucky Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC from the Chucky Franchise and cannot be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Joke's on You

This ability was changed and made significantly harder to pull off. So I highly recommend boosting this.

Outta Nowhere

Tinkerer from the Hillybilly works well for this as it gives a loud noise notification when a gen reaches 70% and grants undetectable status.

Adept Good Guy 

Chucky is a really strong killer so this should be easy.

Alan Wake Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC from the Alan Wake Franchise and cannot be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Under pressure

Easy, you will get this naturally.

Shine on

Bring a purple flashlight with battery add ons. Lead the killer to a pallet, try to stun him and when he goes to destroy the pallet that's your chance for a flashlight blind.

Adept Alan

His perks are alright, shouldn't be too hard.

All Things Wicked Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an Original DLC from the and can be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Prey Upon

The UVX can be bounced once to help you hit survivors.

What Lurks beneath

The easiest way I found was to just hang in the basement and let survivors come to me.

Adept Unknown

His UVX once you get the hang of it can be very useful making this fairly easy.

Movie Buff

The offering is is the Ichourus Foam. The gen is located upstairs.

Fearless Hunter

Easily done with Self-Care from Claudette Morel.

Adept Sable

Her perks are actually not bad, shouldn't be too hard.

All Things Wicked Chapter

Quick Overview

This is a free update and an easter egg.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Tanuki in the Fog

On the Yamaoka Estate is a randomly placed Tanuki Statue. Interact with it for this trophy.

All Things Wicked Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC from Dungeons and Dragons and cannot be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Battle Caster

This is easiest when already in a chase. I used the scanning spell.

Rightful Owner

This will be very hit or miss, cause a survivor may not not find the eye or hand. But you'll know if they do as The Lich will vocally comment. Be careful when downing the survivor who has it, you have 2 options, kill or retrieve. Make you you press the button for retrieve then you can kill or sacrifice the survivor.

Adept Lich

His spells make this fairly easy.

Dungeon Crawler

The offering is the Beef Tallow Mixture. There are 2 gens in the torture, both count.

Hand-Eye Coordination

I recommend boosting this as find the eye or hand us easy but surviving with it can be difficult.

Adept Troupe

Her perks are alright, shouldn't be too hard.

Tomb Raider Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC from Tomb Raider and cannot be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Desperate Escape

Easy enough, should come naturally.


Bring a common item and head for the basement as that is a guaranteed chest.

Adept Lara

Her perks are actually pretty good, should be easy.

Castlevania Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an licensed DLC from Castlevania and cannot be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Taste the Darkness

This can be difficult to time so it's easier to boost instead.

Symphony of Fire

This can be a little tricky to time properly as it only goes forward but not too hard.

Adept Dark Lord

He's a fairly strong killer, should be easy.

Honor the Bloodline

  1. Dark sense
  2. Inner Ficus
  3. Alert
  4. Object of Obsession
  5. Kindred
  6. Guardian
  7. Buckle Up

Adept Trevor
His perks are alright, shouldn't be too hard.

Doomed Course Chapter

Quick Overview

This is an Original DLC from the and can be purchased with shards.

Difficulty Rating


Online/Offline Trophies

This is an online only game.

Deadly Plunge

This will come naturally.

Binding Teeth

Best to attempt in chase. But keep in mind the dog doesn't go very far.

Adept Houndmaster

With the dog's help this shouldn't be difficult.

Break for It

There are a couple options:

  1. No Mither
  2. Invocation: Weaving Spiders
  3. Clean Break
  4. Deliverance
  5. For the People

Bloodied Hands
Please see above.

Adept Taurie
Her perk is useful for Break for It so you'll get it eventually.

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